
costa n.(pl. -tae ) 【解剖學】肋骨;【蟲類】前緣...

costa rica

Analysis and design of dsss signal digitalization costas loop 直接序列擴頻信號數字科斯塔斯環的分析與設計

Costa rican prison - that ' s some hard - core anal action , man Costa rican監獄-一定是干了什么大事,老兄

Letters of appreciation from costa rica 感謝函哥斯大黎加

Ureo da costa nunes e castro s works 區師達神父作品音樂會

By sister initiate marina , costa rica 哥斯大黎加瑪莉娜師姊

Costa rica - love in action - the supreme master ching hai enews magazine . 152 師父圣愛助貧困社區鋪路修橋

You didn ' t fall for james costa 你并沒有愛上詹姆斯?科斯塔

By sister initiate mary agi , costa rica originally in spanish 哥斯大黎加瑪麗艾琪師姊原文為西班牙文

Every year they come to costa rica 每一年他們來到哥斯達黎加

I think he wanted to add mr . costa to his collection 他是想把科斯塔先生添加到自己的收藏品目錄里

By sister initiate lu guizhu , costa rica 哥斯大黎加盧貴珠師姊

I think he sees james costa as unfinished business 我認為他和詹姆斯?科斯塔之間不會就這么完了的

Report by the costa rica relief team originally in spanish 哥斯大黎加賑災團報導原文為西班牙文

Inmates in costa rica attentively watching master s video tape 受刑人專心觀賞師父講經錄影帶。

Report from costa rica dragon and lion dances open 哥斯大黎加報導

Every year they come to costa rica . . 每一年他們來到哥斯達黎加. .

You did a very brave thing in that car today , mr . costa 你今天在車里的表現很勇敢,科斯塔先生

The lab results on costa ' s dna came in 科斯塔dna的化驗結果出來了

Costa rica : eco - tour to cloud and rain forest 哥斯大黎加:生態之旅