
cost n.1.費用;代價,價格;成本。2.犧牲;損害,損失。3...

cost accounting

The cost in terms of human life was high . 人命的損失很大。

Work out how much all these things will cost . 算計算計買這么多東西要多少錢。

I reckon it will cost about $ 100 . 我估計大約要花100美元。

That mistake cost him dear . 那個差錯使他付出了沉重的代價。

I can 't tell offhand how much it will cost .. 我不能立刻告訴你它值多少錢。

I do n't mind doing you a favour that costs me nothing . 順水人情不妨做做。

Rockfeller also drove up other costs . 洛克菲勒也提高了其它的一些開支費用。

The costs of ground investigation become excessive . 地面研究投資得到增加。

The cost of which is borne by an identified sponsor . 其費用由主辦人承擔。

A house , which overlooks the park , will cost more . 面向公園的房子貴些。

The cost was stopped out of my salary . 那一筆費用已經由我的薪水中扣除了。

She skirted round the problem of the high cost . 她避而不談巨額費用問題。

He is bent on winning at all costs . 他決心不惜一切去爭取勝利。

Well , the problem with television is cost . 電視的問題是成本。

The cost of the building amounts to 10000 yuan . 這屋的造價合計一萬元。

It will be at the cost of human liberty . 那將以人的自由為代價。

The saving in cost may be substantial . 所節省的費用會是巨大的。

I will give you a rough estimate of the costs . 我給你大致估計一下費用。

If you attempt it , it will cost you dear ... 你試試看,一定要吃大虧的。