
cosset n.親手飼養大的小羊;親手飼養的禽獸;寵兒。vt.寵養;...


After its conception was brought forward independently , modern urban design has been more and more popular in a short period . not only it ' s study scopes extend largely in depth , width and span , but also the involved people including designer , governor and all citizen have touched upon all kind of social positions or ranks . urban design , the production and cosset of the pluralistic thought of design , has such a complicated background which involves plenty of factors that we should pay attention to : style of the social organization , form of the economy development , statute systems and so on and so forth 論文從筆者多年的理論研究和設計實踐的體會出發,首先通過緒論部分對城市設計在我國的現狀進行了認識上的分析,提出發達國家的城市設計其背景與我國是不同的,比較了我國與發達國家在控制城市形態生成與發展的技術環節中城市設計所承擔的作用,重點從我國城市的歷史發展定位、城市形態演變的特點和社會形態的特點分析了我國城市設計的特殊性,進而提出我國城市設計在引進發達國家經驗的過程中在結合國情方面的缺損和應采取的策略。

Urban design , the production and cosset of the pluralistic thought of design , has such a complicated backgroud which involves plenty of factors that we should pay attention to : style of the social organization , form of the economy development , statute systems and so on and so forth 城市設計? ?這個設計思維多元化的產物和寵兒? ?包含著城市必須面對的多元復雜的社會組織形式、經濟發展形態、法律法規體系和規劃設計元素共同構成的背景。

Most of the dramatic scientific advances in genetics , proteomics and pharmaco - genomics have come not from the industry ' s cosseted and costly research centres but from academic labs and biotechnology start - ups 遺傳學、蛋白質組學、藥物基因組學的大部分引人注目的進步并非來自業界情有獨鐘的昂貴研究中心,而是來自學校的實驗室和新興生物技術公司。

She is also the new cosset in beauty field , because she is very “ obedient ” , “ clever ” , never “ noisy ” and never bewilders customers 她也是美容界的新寵兒,因為她很“聽話” ,很“乖巧” ,從來不“吵鬧” ,也不會刁難顧客。

Cosseted industries turned out finished goods that were worth less than the imported materials from which they were made 托馬斯.杰斐遜就曾提醒過漢密爾頓, “國家補貼總會招來謾罵。 ”

Cosseted and pampered from earliest childhood , he believed the world had been invented for his entertainment 由于幼兒時期的寵愛和嬌縱,他以為整個世界都是為了他的玩樂而創造的。

The commission has told 17 countries to get rid of special protective rules cosseting notaries 歐盟委員要求其17個成員國,廢除特殊對待公證人的保護條例。

We are , by astronomical standards , a pampered , cosseted , cherished group of creatures . . 按照天文標準,我們是一群受寵過頭、珍愛有余、呵護備至的受造物。

This desire to cosset workers is consistent with her record 這一主張讓工人選民與她站在了一起。

The modern tourist heads a cosseted sheltered life 現代旅行者過的使愛護有加與世隔絕的生活。

The modern tourist leads a cosseted , sheltered life 現代旅游者過著愛護有加與世隔絕的生活。