
cossack n.哥薩克人;哥薩克騎兵;哥薩克式服裝;〔美國〕(用以鎮...


Prince andrey procured a horse and a cossack from the officer in command of the cossacks , and hungry and weary he threaded his way in and out between the waggons and rode in search of the commander - in - chief and his own luggage 安德烈公爵饑腸轆轆,倦容滿面,他向哥薩克長官雇了一匹馬和一名哥薩克兵,趕到車隊前面去尋找總司令和自己的馬車。

In the midst of the file of cossacks two waggons , drawn by french horses , and cossack saddle - horses hitched on in front , rumbled over stumps and branches , and splashed through the ruts full of water 在拉得很長的哥薩克隊伍中間,有兩輛套著法國馬和帶馬鞍的哥薩克馬的大車在樹樁和枯枝上顛簸著,車轍積滿了水,大車發出撲哧撲哧的聲響。

Denisov was dressed in a cossack coat ; he had let his beard grow , and had a holy image of nikolay , the wonder - worker , on his breast . his whole manner of speaking and all his gestures were suggestive of his peculiar position 杰尼索夫穿一件農民大衣,蓄著胡子,胸前佩戴著一枚尼古拉神像,他的言談和一切舉止都顯示出他的特殊地位。

He drove to meet pierre in a covered gig , with a young doctor sitting beside him ; and recognising pierre , he called to the cossack , who sat on the drivers seat , and told him to stop 他坐著一輛篷車,向皮埃爾迎面趕來,他旁邊坐的是一個青年醫生。這個軍醫官認出皮埃爾,就叫那個坐在前座代替車夫的哥薩克停下來。

Well , my cossack ? marya dmitryevna used to call natasha a cossack she said , stroking the hand of natasha , who came up to kiss her hand gaily without shyness . i know youre a wicked girl , but i like you 她說道,用手撫摩著毫無懼色歡歡喜喜走來吻她的手的娜塔莎, “我知道這個姑娘是個狐貍精,可是我還喜愛她。 ”

Hi there , my lad , said the cossack to a soldier in charge of a waggon - load who was forcing his way through the foot - soldiers that pressed right up to his wheels and his horses ; what are you about “老弟,你真是! ”哥薩克對那趕車的輜重兵說道,這個輜重兵從車輪和馬匹旁邊麇集的步兵中用力擠過去, “你真是!

Kutuzov had meanwhile reached the village , and sat down in the shade of the nearest house , on a bench which one cossack ran to fetch him , and another hastily covered with a rug 這時,庫圖佐夫向村莊走去,到了最近一戶人家,就在陰涼處坐在一個哥薩克跑著送來的一張長凳上,另一個哥薩克趕快鋪上一塊毯子。

At that moment two figures on horseback came into sight on the road from the town , where sentinels had been posted to give the signal . they were an adjutant , and a cossack riding behind him 這時候,在那分布著信號兵的直通城市的大道上,有兩個騎馬的人出現了,一個是副官,另一個是跟隨身后的哥薩克。

Perhaps it was simply the cossack lihatchev sitting under the waggon ; but very likely it was the kindest , bravest , most wonderful and splendid man in the world whom no one knew of 坐在大車下面的,或許是那個哥薩克利哈喬夫,但也可能是世界上最善良最勇敢最奇特最完美,還沒有人認識他的人。

With a gloomy face denisov , holding his high cossack hat in his hand , was walking behind the cossacks , who were bearing to a hole freshly dug in the garden the body of petya rostov 幾個哥薩克抬著彼佳羅斯托夫的尸體向在花園內已挖好的墓穴走去,杰尼索夫脫下帽子,陰沉著臉跟在后面。

Ivan ' s weak protest only encouraged them , and they jeered cruelly when the cossack captain flung his horrid challenge at their victim 伊萬軟弱無力的抗議只能是他們更來勁兒,更加肆無忌憚的嘲弄他。這時,酒館的那個哥薩克老板又極不友好的向伊萬,這個他們捉弄的對象,發出了挑釁。

The cossack who accompanied nesvitsky had handed him over a knapsack and a flask , and nesvitsky was regaling the officers with pies and real doppel - kmmel 伴隨涅斯維茨基的哥薩克把背囊和軍用水壺遞過來,涅斯維茨基于是用餡餅和純正的茴香甜酒款待軍官們。

He called the cossack with his horse , told him to pick up the knapsack and flask , and lightly swung his heavy person into the saddle 他向牽馬的哥薩克兵喊了一聲,吩咐他收拾背囊和軍用水壺,輕巧地把他那沉重的身軀翻上馬鞍。

Will you have some ? and petya ran out to his cossack in the porch , and brought in some panniers in which there were five pounds of raisins 彼佳跑到門口去找他的哥薩克,拿來幾個口袋,里面大約有五斤葡萄干。

He gave the reins to a cossack , took off his cloak and handed it to him , stretched his legs and set his cap straight on his head 他把韁繩交給哥薩克兵,脫下披肩也交給他,伸開兩腿,把頭上的帽子弄平整。

Why , theyre like a river bursting its banks , said the cossack , stopping hopelessly . are there many more over there “你看,像堤壩被沖決了似的, ”一名哥薩克絕望地停住腳步,說道, “那兒還有很多人嗎? ”

On the table nearest sat a tatar , probably of a cossack regiment , judging from the uniform that had been thrown down close by 最近的臺子上坐著一個韃靼人,從扔在旁邊的制服看來,大概是一個哥薩克。

Only this time , it didn ' t seem like the jolly foot - tapping cossack ditty it has always seemed before 但這次,這音樂聽上去并不太像它一直給人們傳遞的形象:一個快樂地跳俄羅斯傳統舞蹈的哥薩克人。

On active service rostov allowed himself the indulgence of riding a cossack horse instead of the regimental horse , broken in for parade 征途中羅斯托夫無拘無束地不騎戰馬,而騎一匹奇薩克馬。