
cosmos n.1.宇宙。2.完整的體系。3.秩序,和諧 (opp....


The maya understood 17 different calendars based on the cosmos 瑪雅人明白到17種以宇宙為基礎的不同歷法。

I know little about the cosmos 關于宇宙我知道得很少。

Is knowing the mother of the cosmos 就是認識宇宙之母,

Is there any other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos 在宇宙的其他星球上還存在別的有智慧的生物嗎

9 . a human body is a small cosmos 九人是一個小宇宙。

He could conceive and make the cosmos over again 如果可能,他是可以重新構想一個新宇宙,讓世界從此變樣。

The tone that fills the cosmos 無聲的音流充塞宇宙的聲音

Cosmos currently has a staff of 11 公司聘有十一名員工。

Publisher : friends of country parks cosmos bookstore 出版社:郊野公園之友會及商務印書館香港有限公司

Publisher : friends of country parks and cosmos books limited 出版:郊野公園之友會及天地圖書有限公司

Perhaps mature civilizations do not wish to pollute the cosmos 可能成熟的的文明不愿污染這個宇宙。

Cosmos machinery enterprises ltd 佛山市南洋電梯機械有限公司

It comes from cosmos , from space . from 來跟這最終極的連系接觸

Cosmos bank office building s new water electricity construction 萬泰商業銀行辦公大樓新建水電工程

Clown : i say destroy the cosmos , ask questions later 我的意思是要毀滅宇宙,如果有問題稍后再問。

“ for writings that catch the dewdrop and reflect the cosmos 他的作品透過一滴露珠反映出整個世界

Friends of the country parks cosmos books limited 郊野公園之友會

For further reading : soundless sound - the tone that fills the cosmos 無聲的音流充塞宇宙的聲音

The quantum effect of charged spinor particle with cosmos 含宇宙項帶電時空中旋量粒子的量子效應