
cosmopolite n.,adj.1.= cosmopolitan.2.【生...


My cosmopolite was sustaining the pride and reputation of the earth when the waiters closed in on both combatants with their famous flying wedge formation and bore them outside , still resisting 我的世界公民仍保持著地球的驕傲和名聲,就在這時,侍者們利用著名的飛速楔形結構插入兩個格斗者之間,硬把他兩個推出了咖啡館,盡管還在抵抗。

Rushmore coglan prattled of this little planet i thought with glee of a great almost - cosmopolite who wrote for the whole world and dedicated himself to bombay 在一首詩中,他不得不說,地球上的城市之間不免有些妄自尊大,互相競爭, “靠這城市撫育著人們,讓他們來來往往,但僅僅依附于城市的折縫之中,有如孩子依附于母親的睡袍一樣。 ”

I was sure that i had found at last the one true cosmopolite since adam , and i listened to his worldwide discourse fearful lest i should discover in it the local note of the mere globe - trotter 我確信自己終于發現了從亞當以來的第一個真正的世界公民,我傾聽他縱橫整個世界的宏論,生怕從中發現他僅僅是個環球旅行的地方口音。

Use international architecture vocabulary , use cosmopolite chinese architectural art practice , use knowledge wealth class ' s modern life logos in living , this is courtyard ' s front edge living view 用世界的建筑語匯,用屬于世界的中國建筑藝術演練,用知識財富階層的現代生活理念生活,這就是院子的前沿居住觀。

My kingdom is bounded only by the world , for i am not an italian , or a frenchman , or a hindu , or an american , or a spaniard - i am a cosmopolite 我的王國卻是以整個世界為界限。因為我既不是意大利人也不是法國人,不是印度人也不是美國人,也不是什么西班牙人,我是一個宇宙人。

Cosmopolite contemporary chinese yard villas , 208 international distinguished personages ' honorable mansions , contemporary chinese knowledge wealth class ' s life circle 屬于世界的當代中國院落別墅, 208席國際名流尊邸,當代中國知識財富階層的生活圈。

My cosmopolite made a large adieu and left me , for he thought he saw some one through the chatter and smoke whom he knew 我的世界公民作了個夸張的辭別,離開了我,因為他越過閑談、透過煙霧看見某個熟悉的人。

“ you seem to be a genuine cosmopolite , “ i said admiringly . “ but it also seems that you would decry patriotism . “你似乎是個貨真價實的世界公民, ”我羨慕地說。 “不過,你似乎也抵毀了愛國主義。 ”

I don ' t set up for being a cosmopolite , which to my mind signifies being polite to every country except your own 我不以世界主義者自居,那我意味著:除了自己的祖國以外,要對每一個國家有禮。

I do not set up for being a cosmopolite , which to my mind signify is polite to every country except your own 我不以世界主義者自居,那我意味著:除了自己的祖國以外,要對每一個國家有禮。