
cosmopolitan n.世界主義者。adj.1.世界主義的。2.全世界的。3...


Cosmopolitan worldview : to improve students ' english proficiency and to a cultivate cosmopolitan worldview 五、國際觀:提升學生專業英語能力及培養國際觀。

5 . we must , however , always bear it in mind that hong kong is a cosmopolitan international city 不過,我們絕對不可忘記,香港是一個面向世界的國際大都會。

We must , however , always bear it in mind that hong kong is a cosmopolitan international city 不過,我們絕對不可忘記,香港是一個面向世界的國際大都會。

Hong kong is a cosmopolitan city , asia s world city and the hottest tourist spot in the region 香港是一個大城市、亞洲國際都會及區內的旅游熱門地點。

The atmosphere is distinctly cosmopolitan , and one hears around one a great variety of languages 置身于其中,你可以聽到周圍的人講許多種不同的語言。

20th , sets up the united nations cosmopolitan wealth international celebrity magazine company 二十、設立聯合國世界財富國際名人雜志社。

Urban culture leads along the development of the cosmopolitan style of tourism of shanghai by hand 城市文化牽手上海都市旅游的發展

They felt themselves cosmopolitans and as such held close relationships with one another 他們自視為四海為家者,并彼此關系密切。

As africans become more urban and cosmopolitan , will their views soften 隨著非洲人不斷走向城市化和國際化,他們的觀念會軟化嗎?

But the cosmopolitan influx refreshes the uniformity of american culture 但是世界各國人的涌入為美國文化的一致性注入新的活力。

In pursuit of the cosmopolitan spirit of beauty - a study of zong baihua ' s metaphysical poetics 比較詩學視域中的宗白華形上詩學

Shanghai , china ' s most cosmopolitan city , ranks as the top destination 上海,中國最具國際性的城市,名列最佳的理想地。

Cosmopolitan flair and multilingualism are a part of everyday life 全球化和多語言性已經成為法蘭克福日常生活的一部分。

Christine whelan has studied the advice given in us cosmopolitan 克里斯廷?維蘭研究過美國《放眼天下》雜志提出的建議。

London is a vast cosmopolitan city , brimming with history and tradition 倫敦是英國首都,它是一個出名和出眾的都市。

By definition , a world city is cosmopolitan and outward looking 國際都會必須采納多元文化,與世界各地緊密接觸。

On the cosmopolitan vision in chinese philosophy and its values zhang yaonan 論中國哲學的“世界主義“視野及其價值

Can i get a cosmopolitan 能給我來一杯四海為家嗎?

We are well - positioned to enhance our cosmopolitan tourism profile further 我們有條件優化大都會旅游模式。