
cosmopolis n.國際[世界]都市〔指居民中有許多不同國籍的人〕。


Abstract : on the occassion of the shanghai world expo , expecially the outstanding theme , the commercial services should seize the rare opportunity to develop and improve , which is the responsibility in realizing the functions of the cosmopolis 摘要:上海世博會的舉辦,特別是其鮮明的主題,為商業服務業的發展與提升提供了難得的機遇,也是商業服務業在實現國際化大都市功能中應當承擔的責任及機會。

In new york , the biggest cosmopolis , six newspaper units , for the sake of economizing the cost , invested jointly to launch a loose management news agency which was the initial form of the ap 在當時最大的商業都會紐約, 6家報紙為了節省成本,聯合出資組建了一個松散的新聞社,它后來就發展成了美聯社。

Shanghai huatong group mingjing antiseptic valve manufacturing co . , ltd . is located at the jiangqiao industrial zone in shanghai , which is a beautiful cosmopolis 上海明精防腐閥門制造有限公司(原防腐閥門廠)為上海華通集團直屬企業,座落在美麗的國際大都市- -上海江橋工業區,環境幽雅,交通便利。

To speed up the economic growth and become an international metropolis ( a cosmopolis ) , shanghai is paying close attention to the global developments 要加快經濟增長,成為國際化大都市,上海必須關注全球發展動態。

To speed up the economic growth and become an international metropolis ( a cosmopolis ) , shanghai is pay close attention to the global developments 要加快經濟增長,成為國際化大都市,上海必須關注全球發展動態。

Organizers said on sunday that the world expo 2010 will help shanghai become a multi - cultural cosmopolis 2010年的世博會組辦方于周日表示,世博會將使上海成為一個多元文化的國際大都市。

Organizers said on sunday that the world expo 2010 will help shanghai become a multi - cultural cosmopolis 組織者于周日表示, 2010年的世博會將使上海成為一個多文化國際大都市。

Cosmopolis bus fan club 都市巴士迷俱樂部

To build cosmopolis agricultural products market system in shanghai 構建世界級城市上海的農產品市場體系