
cosmonaut n.宇航員,太空人。


Russia ' s space agency has postponed the launch of the next manned mission to the international space station by one week , to march 30 , a spokesman said monday according to the itar - tass news agency . the launch , which had been scheduled for march 22 , is to carry russian cosmonaut pavel vinogradov , american jeffery williams and brazilian marcos cesar pontes 據美聯社1月24日援引俄塔社報道說,這次飛行原定于3月22日實施,計劃將俄羅斯宇航員帕維爾維諾格拉多夫美國宇航員杰弗里威廉姆斯和巴西宇航員馬克斯塞薩爾旁特斯送入太空。

The soyuz tma - 9 capsule took off less than a day after the us space shuttle atlantis pulled away from the orbiting station and began its journey earthward . on board with ansari were russian cosmonaut mikhail tyurin and us astronaut michael lopez - alegria , who were to join german astronaut thomas reiter on the station just over 48 hours after liftoff 與安薩里同行的是俄羅斯宇航員米凱爾秋林和美國宇航員邁克爾洛佩茲-阿里格利亞,他們將在48個多小時后和已在空間站的德國宇航員托馬斯里特會合。

From the time when the first cosmonaut gagarin entered into space in 1961 to the time armstrong set his small step on the moon in 1969 , it took only less than a decade for mankind to land on the moon . yet , this achievement was only possible with the contributions of numerous people , and sometimes the sacrifices of human lives 從首位太空人加加林于1961年進入太空,到杭思朗于1969年首次踏足月球,人類雖然相距不足十年便能登上月球,但登月任務其實是集合了無數人的努力,甚至不少人的犧牲,才能達成。

The russians have only made clear that they are prepared to operate the international space station by themselves if the united states cannot or will not pull its own weight on it . russia appears to have no plans to send its cosmonauts to the moon by itself 盡管俄羅斯的空間計劃仍在按部就班地進行,并且以豐富的石油資源作為保證,但他們僅僅滿足即使在沒有美國人參與的情況下維持國際空間站正常運轉的目標,他們似乎也沒有打算依靠自己力量將本國宇航員送上月球。

For now , astronauts and cosmonauts who become critically sick or injured at the international space station - - something that has never happened - - can leave the orbiting outpost 220 miles above earth and return home within hours aboard a russian soyuz space vehicle 目前,太空站上的美俄太空人,如果突然生重病或受傷(目前迄未發生這種事) ,可以離開在地球上方220哩處繞軌道運行的前哨基地,并搭俄羅斯和平號太空船在數小時內就可以回家。

During the planned 5 . 5 - hour outing , astronaut mcarthur and cosmonaut tokarev are to install a television camera and lights on the edge of the station that will be used to observe future construction when space shuttles return to flight 在預計5 . 5個小時的艙外操作中,宇航員亞瑟和拓可夫準備在太空戰的邊上安裝一臺電子照相機和燈光設備,這樣在太空飛船飛回的時候就可以用此來監控未來的建筑了。

One of the two reviews posted on amazon . com about valentin lebedev ' s “ diary of a cosmonaut ” calls it a “ profound ” book “ about what it ' s like to be in a flying tin can for more than half a year ” 瓦倫丁?列貝德夫所寫的《宇航員日記》正在亞馬遜網站上銷售,亞馬遜網上關于這本書的兩個書評之一將這本書評價為“對在太空艙中生活半年以上的可能影響進行了深刻的描寫。 ”

Russian cosmonauts gennady padalka , center , yuri shargin , left , and american nasa astronaut michael finck , right , are seen shortly after landing near the town of arkalyk in north - central kazakhstan , sunday , oct . 24 , 2004 10月24日,在哈薩克斯坦北部城市阿爾卡雷克附近的著陸點,剛返回地面不久的俄羅斯宇航員帕達爾卡(中) 、沙爾金(左)和美國宇航員芬克在休息。

Therefore , gaode hydraulic elevators can be seen in beijing space flight center , beijing satellite manufacturing factory , chinese cosmonaut training center and jiuquan satellite launch center 公司產品被榮幸的列為中國航天飛船“神舟”號對接組裝的推薦產品,在北京航天城,北京衛星制造廠,中國宇航員訓練中心,中國酒泉衛星發射中心,都使用高德牌液壓升降機。

Russian cosmonaut salizhan sharipov and american leroy chiao have been asked to cut out calories equal to three cans of coke from their daily diet - around 10 percent of their daily allowance and an amount that would be little noticed , nasa said 個月的時間。他們已被告知每天要少食10 %的食物,并希望滿載供給的飛船能在圣誕節后的那天, 12月26日到達。

On board with ansari were russian cosmonaut mikhail tyurin and us astronaut michael lopez - alegria , who were to join german astronaut thomas reiter on the station just over 48 hours after liftoff 與安薩里同行的是俄羅斯宇航員米凱爾?秋林和美國宇航員邁克爾?洛佩茲-阿里格利亞,他們將在48個多小時后和已在空間站的德國宇航員托馬斯?里特會合。

Russian cosmonaut salizhan sharipov and american leroy chiao have been asked to cut out calories equal to three cans of coke from their daily diet around 10 percent of their daily allowance and an amount that would be little noticed nasa said 他們已被告知每天要少食10 %的食物,并希望滿載供給的飛船能在圣誕節后的那天, 12月26日到達。

Starting next month , nissin food products co . will film a promotional spot on the international space station for cup noodle , featuring a sales pitch by a hungry russian cosmonaut 從下個月開始,日清食品有限公司將把國際空間站作為“杯面”產品宣傳片的拍攝地,一位饑腸轆轆的俄羅斯宇航員將會在廣告中推銷產品。

The soviets had much more thrust power ; they launched the first inhabited capsule with a dog in it , and then in 1961 made cosmonaut yuri gagarin the first human to orbit the earth 蘇聯一路高歌猛進:他們發射了第一艘載人飛船,當時其中搭載的是一只狗,接著于1961年讓尤里?加加林成為首位進入地球軌道的宇航員。

A capsule undocks from the international space station , carrying american , russian and italian scientists back to earth , a russian cosmonaut and an american astronaut stay behind 今天一艘太空艙帶著美國、俄羅斯以及意大利科學家離開了國際太空站返回了地球,站內仍留有一位俄羅斯宇航員和一名美國宇航員。

Ansari , 40 , was due to return to earth on sept . 29 , along with cosmonaut pavel vinogradov and astronaut jeffrey williams , who have been on the station since april 40歲的安薩里將于9月29日和宇航員帕維爾?維諾格拉多夫及杰夫里?威廉姆斯一起返回地球,這兩位宇航員從今年4月份起就進入了空間站。

Two astronauts were sent to russia gagarin cosmonauts training centre for a one - year training programme . after that , they returned to china and became instructors of chinese astronauts training projects 兩名太空人前住俄羅斯加加林太空人訓練中心受訓一年,回國在太空人訓練計劃擔當指導。

Unlike “ big brother ” wannabe c - list celebrities , the pretend cosmonauts will have to speak fluent russian and english and keep track of nearly two years ' rations 不像“老大哥”僅僅是培養出平民的偶像,這些模擬的宇航員必須能說流利的俄語和英語,同時也要為實驗騰出近兩年的時間。

After an eight day visit to the international space station ( iss ) , the world ' s first space tourist dennis tito and two russian cosmonauts on board safely returned to earth on may 7 經過在國際空間站上8天的遨游,世界首位太空游客丹尼斯?蒂托和兩名俄國宇航員于5月7日安全地返回地球。