
cosmology n.宇宙論。


He was awarded the shaw prize in astronomy 2004 for his having laid the foundations for almost all modern investigations in cosmology , both theoretical and observational , transforming a highly speculative field into a precision science 現今宇宙學的理論與觀測基礎,差不多全部由他建立,本來純為理論推測的學科亦因此脫胎成一門精確科學。

If the theory is correct , magnetic monopole not only exist , a lot of them should have been created at the beginning of the universe . why cannot we find one is still a mystery in cosmology 如果理論是正確的話,磁單極子不但存在,而且在宇宙的初期,還產生了很多磁單極子,但為什么到今天我們仍然一粒也找不到,這實在是宇宙學的一個難題。

Indian astronomy at that time was taking much of its lead from cyclic hindu cosmology in which nature operted in cycles , setting the stage for searching for numerical patterns in the expected time frames for eclipses 在那時,印度天文學家在印度的循環宇宙論方面有主導的地位,大自然是在循環之中,為以數學來預算日蝕時間打下了基礎。

Overview of universe ; solar system ; inter - stellar distance ; properties of stars ; classification and evolution ; star nebulae ; star cluster , structure and classification of glaxies ; cosmology ; observateries and telescopes 宇宙概觀、太陽系、星距量測、星的性質、分類與演化、星云、星團、銀河、系結構分類、宇宙論、天文臺及望遠鏡。

Scannapieco , who also dabbles in cosmology , works under the auspices of the national science foundation at the arcetri astrophysical observatory in florence and the institute of astrophysics in paris 史坎納皮科也涉獵宇宙學,他在美國國家科學基金會贊助下任職于義大利佛羅倫斯的雅賽?天體物理觀測站及法國巴黎的天體物理學研究所。

It seems that the cosmology constant has something to do with the energy density of empty space , and it may change with time , or may even do the opposite one day - compel the universe to contract 我們對宇宙常數的認識實在太少了,它似乎跟真空空間中的能量密度有關,也可能隨時間不斷改變,又或甚至終有一天反過來迫使宇宙收縮。

And so it remained for many millions of years ? exactly how long is still a major mystery of cosmology ? until the first stars condensed from the fog of matter and lit up with a blue nuclear glow 這樣的狀態持續了好幾百萬年(實際的時間仍是宇宙學中最大的謎) ,直到第一顆恒星因物質的霧氣聚集而成形,并藉由核反應發出藍色的光芒。

There was very little possibility of this changing any time soon , and , similar to one version of the “ big bang “ school of cosmology , there was no reason to believe that the expansion would ever be reversed 而去這種情況在未來得到改觀的可能性幾乎不存在,如同宇宙大爆炸的現實版本,根本沒有理由相信這樣的擴張會逆轉。

This paper studies the perturbation action of celestial bodies movement on the earth from the view of cosmology , and furtherly analyizes the effect of celestial bodies movement on the slope stability on earth surface 從宇宙觀角度探討天體運動對地球的攝動作用,并進而分析天體運動對地球表面邊坡穩定的影響。

The further away it is , the faster it goes away . this leads us to conjecture that the universe is expanding . this is the basic idea of the big bang theory in cosmology 在三十年代,天文學家發現星系正在遠離我們,而且越遙遠的星系遠離的速度越快,所以我們猜想宇宙正在膨脹,這是宇宙學中大爆炸論的基本觀點。

This class will study some of the changing ideas within modern physics , ranging from relativity theory and quantum mechanics to solid - state physics , nuclear and elementary particles , and cosmology 本課程將會研究現代物理學中在概念上的變遷,從相對論、量子力學到固態物理、原子核與基本粒子、還有宇宙論。

A central theme of the subject is the intertwining of conceptual and institutional relations within diverse areas of inquiry : cosmology , natural history , physics , mathematics , and medicine 課程中心主題之一是在探討各種研究領域(宇宙學、自然歷史、物理、數學和醫藥)概念間的交互影響與結構關系。

The ultimate goal of observational cosmology is to capture the entire history of the universe , providing a seamless picture of our descent from a shapeless gas of subatomic particles 觀測宇宙學的終極目標,是建構宇宙的完整歷史,對于宇宙最早由次原子粒子所構成的無形氣體,提供清晰連貫的圖像。

This is a general - education course that provides an elementary introduction to modern physics and cosmology for non - physics major undergraduate students 本課程為自然生命科學核心課程,藉由淺顯的說明及多媒體教學,介紹近代物?學和宇宙學的進展,及探?自然世界的規?和宇宙的演化。

T his lecture discussed the topics of cosmic structure , beginning of the universe , brane universe , accelerating universe , its shape , and the role of galaxies in cosmology 這講座探討了宇宙的結構、宇宙的起源、膜宇宙、加速膨脹宇宙、形狀、星系在宇宙學中的應用等內容。

Since this discovery , the expansion and cooling of the universe has been the unifying theme of cosmology , much as darwinian evolution is the unifying theme of biology 自此之后,宇宙的膨脹與冷卻便成了宇宙學中的主要論點,就如同達爾文的演化論是生物學的主流思想一樣。

Recently , my interest is in astrophysics , cosmology , physical principle in microscale and macroscale world , and the philosophical meaning we can consider by physics 我近期的的主要興趣在天體物理學、宇宙學、極大尺度和極小尺度的物理規律、以及物理學所蘊涵的哲學內涵。

After string theory made its comeback as a theory of gravity in the 1980s , veneziano became one of the first physicists to apply it to black holes and cosmology 在1980年代,弦論以重力理論之姿重新出發之后,維納齊亞諾便成了首度將它應用在黑洞和宇宙學的物理學家之一。

Based on the systematic cosmology , harmony of heaven and man is the basic way of thinking of the chinese philosophy , with the cognitive characters of systematic thinking and visual thinking 摘要“天人合一”是中國哲學的基本思維方式,其基礎是整體有機的宇宙論。