
cosmologist n.宇宙論者。


Returning to a theme he has voiced many times before , the cambridge university cosmologist said that space - rockets propelled by the kind of matter / antimatter annihilation technology popularised in star trek would be needed to help homo sapiens colonise hospitable planets orbiting alien stars 這位劍橋大學宇宙論者重提他過去曾多次探討的主題說,星艦奇航記中那種廣為人知的物質?反物質的互相抵消科技推動的太空火箭,可以用來幫助人類移民到環繞外星球運行的友善行星。

But if , as cosmologists expect , the acceleration turns out to be a recent phenomenon , researchers may be able to determine its cause ? and perhaps answer the larger question of the destiny of the universe ? by learning when and how the expansion began picking up speed 但若像宇宙學家所預測,加速膨脹是近期才有的現象,那麼藉由研究膨脹加速的濫觴和驅動力,研究人員或許可找出其成因,甚或回答宇宙最終命運的大哉問。

Cosmologists sometimes state that the universe used to be the size of a grapefruit , but what they mean is that the part of the universe we can now see ? our observable universe ? used to be the size of a grapefruit 宇宙學家有時會說,宇宙曾經只有一個葡萄柚那麼小,但他們真正的意思是,宇宙中那個我們現在所能看得到的部份,也就是我們的可見宇宙,曾經只有葡萄柚般的大小。

Cosmologists assume that our universe , with an almost uniform distribution of matter and initial density fluctuations of one part in 100 , 000 , is a fairly typical one ( at least among those that contain observers ) 宇宙學家假設,我們的宇宙是一個相當典型的宇宙,具有幾乎均勻的物質分布,與十萬分之一的初始密度漲落。

This was such a radical finding that some cosmologists suggested that the falloff in supernova brightness was the result of other effects , such as intergalactic dust dimming the light 由于這個發現實在太具顛覆性,以致宇宙學家認為,超新星的晦暗源自于其他效應,舉例來說,有可能是其間的宇宙塵削弱了光的亮度。

The world s leading foremost theoretical cosmologist , professor peebles has made profound contributions to our knowledge of the physical processes that have shaped the structure of our universe Jamese . peebles )教授于九月八日在香港中文大學逸夫書院主持講座,題為thediscoveryoftheexpandinguniverse 。

He will explain how time can have a beginning and the progress made by cosmologists in an area traditionally belonged to theologians and philosophers 是次宇宙的起源講座,霍金教授主要討論有關宇宙起源的問題,分析時間如何開始,及說出宇宙學家在這課題上所取得的進展。

Although most people think of galaxies as collections of stars , cosmologists regard them simply as large clumps of matter in which stars are relative latecomers 雖然大部份的人認為星系是恒星的聚合體,宇宙學家卻只把它們視為一大團的物質,而恒星是后來才產生的。

Knowing how this came about by looking even further back would allow cosmologists to decide which of their theories of the early universe were correct 通過觀察更為久遠的事件,了解形成這一狀態的原因,可以協助宇宙學家們判斷哪種關于早期宇宙的理論是正確的。

Cosmologists continue to debate how the expansion got going and what transpired early on , but these uncertainties do not matter greatly for galaxy formation 宇宙學家仍不斷辯論膨脹到底是如何進行的、還有最初發生了什麼事,但是這些問題與星系形成的關系不大。

Cosmologists already ascribe cosmic inflation , and perhaps the dark energy ( distinct from dark matter ) that is now causing cosmic acceleration , to scalar fields 關于宇宙暴脹,以及引發宇宙加速膨脹的暗能量(有別于暗物質) ,宇宙學者已經將之歸因于純量場。

This group has already generated a database of galaxy clusters , which interests cosmologists working on theories describing the birth of the universe 目前,這個小組已經制作了一個星系團資料庫,讓研究宇宙誕生理論的宇宙學家備感興趣。

Practical cosmologists would like to see direct evidence for the reionization epoch before adding the missing chapter to their textbooks 講究實際的宇宙學家,希望在為教科書增補遺漏的章節前,能先看到再游離的直接證據。

World - renowned scientist and cosmologist prof stephen hawking will discuss theories on the origin of the universe 霍金一直從事宇宙的研究工作,他從愛因斯坦相對論中得到啟發,發現在宇宙中,空間、時間與黑洞之間的關系。

This discrepancy is known to cosmologists as the “ lithium problem ” and , until now , there has been no satisfactory explanation for it 宇宙學家將這種差異性稱為“鋰之難題” ,而到目前為止還沒有針對此問題的合理解釋。

The task for the next 70 years is for physicists , astronomers and cosmologists to discover exactly what it is 對物理學家、天文學家和宇宙起源學家們來說,未來70年的任務就是揭開暗物質的廬山真面目。

Similarly , cosmologists do not need to guess how the universe evolved ; we can watch its history through telescopes 同樣的,宇宙學家并不需要猜測宇宙如何演化,我們可以用望遠鏡看到它過往的歷史。

Cosmologists can now go to the next level and claim an understanding of the formation of structures in the universe 現在,宇宙學家可以進入下一個階段,并聲稱已經了解宇宙結構形成的原因了。

The earliest images that cosmologists have found come from a couple of hundred thousand years after the birth of the universe 宇宙學家們所發現的最早的圖像來自于宇宙誕生后的幾十萬年。