
cosmological adj.宇宙論的。


The presence of the great wall and the uncertainty about its extent added to the suspicion that the cosmological principle , and therefore our basic theoretical underpinning of the expanding universe , might be incorrect 長城的存在及其綿亙?圍的不確定,使科學家開始懷疑宇宙學原理,而宇宙擴張的基礎理論也很可能有誤。

If you sit on one of the raisins , you will see that all the raisins are receding from you . besides , the farther away a raisin locates , the faster it recedes . it also explains the cosmological redshift 假若你是其中一顆葡萄乾上的螞蟻,你會看見所有葡萄乾皆離你越來越遠,同時,離你越遠的葡萄乾,離開你的速度亦越快。

The cosmological constant is a mathematical representation of the energy of empty space , also known as “ dark energy “ , which exerts a kind of anti - gravity force pushing galaxies apart at an accelerating rate 宇宙常數是空虛空間能量的數學描述,一般稱為黑暗能量,這種反引力促使星系彼此加速遠離。

These fields may have taken different values in different cosmological epochs or in remote regions of space , and even today the physical “ constants ” may vary by a small amount 這些場可能會在不同的宇宙時期,或是在空間中相隔甚遠的區域,具有不同的值;甚至到了今天,這些常數也可能還會有微量的變化。

The future of the universe is mainly determined by the mean density of mass - energy and the space - time curvature , while cosmological constant does not carry any weight among popular cosmological theories 現在流行的宇宙論都不考慮宇宙常數,宇宙的未來完全由質量能量的平均密度及宇宙的時空曲率來決定。

Often referred to as geomancy , its origins lay in an ancient chinese respect for the environment , as well as a belief that cosmological influences strongly affect our lives 風水常常予人聯想到占卜星相,此乃由于中國人自古敬奉大自然,相信宇宙萬物陰陽五行,皆與人生起跌有莫大關系之故。

For instance , sensitive infrared observations have spotted giant galaxies just a couple of billion years after the big bang , which is early by cosmological standards 例如天文學家利用靈敏的紅外線觀測,已經確認了幾個在大霹靂數十億年后就形成的巨大星系,以宇宙的標準來說算是較為早期的。

Therefore , data from a wide variety of independent cosmological and astrophysical observations strongly suggest that most of the energy density of the universe today may be contained in empty space 換言之,不同的研究和觀測數據皆表明,現時宇宙中大部份的能量密度很可能隱藏于虛空之中!

Therefore the vacuum energy cannot be set to zero and it ought to be included as a source for gravitation , where it acts like the cosmological constant 換言之,不可以把真空能量視為零,這種能量可視為一種引力源。特別的是,這種引力就好像液體一樣有負壓強,產生的排斥力相類于宇宙常數。

In 1998 astronomers discovered that the universe ' s expansion is accelerating at a rate consistent with a cosmological constant 10 - 120 times the value predicted by quantum theory 天文學家于1998年發現到宇宙正在加速膨脹,但其加速度所對應到的宇宙常數,卻是量子理論預測值的10 - 120倍。

Gamma - ray bursts are believed to arise at cosmological distances in the merger of binaries consisting of either two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole 科學家相信它是由一對位于宇宙深處的雙星碰撞合并而產生的。這個雙星系統可能是兩顆中子星,或由中子星與黑洞所組成。

How the universe evolves is affected by three factors , namely the mean density of mass - energy , the space - time curvature and a mysterious factor , the cosmological constant 宇宙尺度的變化受三個因素影響:宇宙中質量-能量的平均密度宇宙的時空曲率與及一個神秘因素宇宙常數。

But , once we accept the reality of the cosmological constant as the dark energy , it would be important to find a physical interpretation for this quantity 我們當然不甘于單單把黑暗能量等同于宇宙常數,對科學家來說,更重要的是要對黑暗能量的來源找一個合理的物理解釋。

This coin followed the hollow - centred design of traditional chinese bronze coins , highlighting the cosmological concept of a dome - like firmament covering the square earth ,沿用中國傳統銅幣天圓地方的概念,鑄造出香港政府第一枚“一文錢” ,香港才有正式的法定硬幣。

The leading candidate to explain dark energy ' s effects is vacuum energy , which is mathematically equivalent to the cosmological constant that einstein invented in 1917 要解釋暗能量效應的首選,便是真空能量,它與愛因斯坦在1917年所創的宇宙常數,在數學上是等價的。

At last , we discuss the structure of d - stars in the spacetime with a nonzero cosmological constant . the metric and effective mass formula of d - stars have been educed 本文的第三部分,主要討論了帶有非零宇宙常數時空中d星的結構,導出了它的度規和有效質量公式。

Such evidence would help confirm the standard cosmological model and give scientists a clue to the underlying cause of the present period of cosmic acceleration 如此的證據將有助于確立宇宙學標準模型的地位,并且給科學家一條現今宇宙之所以會加速膨脹的線索。

Because einstein thought he needed to model a static universe , he introduced his “ cosmological fudge factor ” to balance the attractive gravity of matter 因為愛因斯坦當時認為他需要建構一個靜態的宇宙,因此引入一個假想的宇宙參數來平衡物質間的重引力。

The ultimate legitimation for “ correct ” actions in the kinship structure will then be their “ location ” within a cosmological and anthropological frame of reference 親屬結構中”正確”行動最終的正當性,是根據他們在宇宙論和人類學參考架構中的位置。