
cosmodrome n.(蘇聯的)人造衛星及宇宙飛船發射場;太空站的降落部分...


Anousheh ansari was accompanied by a us - russian crew on the soyuz tma - 9 capsule , which entered orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff from the russian cosmodrome in kazakhstan . ansari reportedly paid us 20 million to become the fourth private astronaut to take a trip on a russian spacecraft and visit the station 這位名叫阿諾謝赫安薩里的女子在兩位美俄宇航員的陪同下,搭乘“聯盟tma 9號“飛船在位于哈薩克斯坦境內的俄羅斯發射基地升空, 10分鐘后,飛船進入預定軌道。

Anousheh ansari . anousheh ansari was accompanied by a us - russian crew on the soyuz tma - 9 capsule , which entered orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff from the russian cosmodrome in kazakhstan . ansari reportedly paid us 20 million to become the fourth private astronaut to take a trip on a russian spacecraft and visit the station 這位名叫阿諾謝赫安薩里的女子在兩位美俄宇航員的陪同下,搭乘“聯盟tma 9號“飛船在位于哈薩克斯坦境內的俄羅斯發射基地升空, 10分鐘后,飛船進入預定軌道。

“ i ' ve always been fascinated with space and always wondered about the mysteries of space and wanted to be able to experience it firsthand , “ the texas woman said in a telephone interview from the launch site at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan 我對太空一直心向往之,也常常神游神秘的太空,我希望能有第一手體驗,這位德州婦女從發射地點哈薩克貝康諾太空中心接受電話訪問時表示。

Anousheh ansari was accompanied by a usrussian crew on the soyuz tma9 capsule , which entered orbit about 10 minutes after liftoff from the russian cosmodrome in kazakhstan 這位名叫阿諾謝赫?安薩里的女子在兩位美俄宇航員的陪同下,搭乘“聯盟tma9號“飛船在位于哈薩克斯坦境內的俄羅斯發射基地升空, 10分鐘后,飛船進入預定軌道。

“ in order to make great leaps in space exploration . . . private companies and the government need to work together , “ she said at a news conference at the cosmodrome in baikonur 在拜科努爾發射基地召開的新聞發布會上,她說: “要在太空探索方面取得重大進步,私營企業和政府需要齊心協力。

“ in order to make great leaps in space exploration . private companies and the government need to work together , “ she said at a news conference at the cosmodrome in baikonur 在拜科努爾發射基地召開的新聞發布會上,她說: “要在太空探索方面取得重大進步,私營企業和政府需要齊心協力。

The list of countries with space reconnaissance capability grew again last week , with the launch of egypt ' s egyptsat 1 from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan 隨著埃及的埃星一號從哈薩克斯坦的拜克努爾航天中心騰空而起,擁有太空偵察能力的國家的名單上周又增加了。