
cosiness n.舒適,安樂;適意。


Along with the higher and higher requirements for the cosiness and stability of subway vehicle , it is necessary to know better the dynamic characteristics of the car body through the modal analysis technology , so as to provide foundation for a rational structure design 摘要隨著對地鐵列車舒適性、平穩性要求的提高,有必要運用模態分析技術了解其結構動力特性,為車體結構的合理設計提供依據。

In short , the house in saville row , which must have been a very temple of disorder and unrest under the illustrious but dissipated sheridan , was cosiness , comfort , and method idealized 總之,賽微樂街的這所房子,在那位大名鼎鼎放蕩不羈的西銳登住在這里的時代,是個烏七八糟的地方,如今陳設得非常幽美,叫人一看就有輕松愉快的感覺。

Cosiness room kimtay plaza reservation 舒適房,新錦天大酒店預訂