
cosine n.【數學】余弦。


Sine - cosine revolver 正余弦旋轉變壓器

Discrete cosine transform 離散余弦變換

Calculates the cosine of an 的余弦值。

A new digital image watermarking algorithm based on fractional cosine transform 一種基于分數余弦變換的數字圖像水印算法

Discrete cosine transform dct 離散余弦變換

The acosh ( ) function returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number 函數的作用是:返回一個數值對應的反雙曲余弦。

Dct discrete cosine transform 離散余弦變換

Cosine roll off characteristic 余弦滑移特性

Inverse discrete cosine transform 逆離散余炫

Dct fordiscrete cosine transform 離散余弦變換

A high precision direct integration method to solve sine and cosine matrix functions 正余弦矩陣函數的精細積分算法

Quasi - distribution cosine functions 擬分布余弦函數

Fdp forward discrete cosine transform 離散余弦正變換

Calculates the hyperbolic cosine of an 的雙曲余弦值。

Iocs inverse discrete cosine transform 離散余弦逆變換

Idct inverse discrete cosine transform 離散余弦逆變換

Idct inverse discrete cosine transform 非連續反余弦變換

Sin - cosine theorem and its application 正余弦定理及應用

The adjoint of a c - cosine operator function and its subgenerators 余弦算子函數的對偶及其次生成元的性質