
cosily adv.舒適地,適意地。


She was sitting cosily on a little bench behind the schoolhouse looking at a picture - book with alfred temple - and so absorbed were they , and their heads so close together over the book , that they did not seem to be conscious of anything in the world besides 原來,貝基正舒舒服服地坐在一條小板凳上和阿爾費雷德鄧波兒一起在看畫書。他們看得聚精會神,頭也湊得很近,仿佛世上只有他倆存在。

Aouda , cosily packed in furs and cloaks , was sheltered as much as possible from the attacks of the freezing wind 艾娥達夫人緊緊地裹在皮衣和旅行毯子里,旅伴們盡一切可能不讓她受到寒冷的襲擊。

Its snow-white houses nestle cosily in a sea of fresh green vegetation . 雪白的房屋舒適地筑在一片翠綠的草木中。