
cosignatory adj.聯署的,連名的。n.聯署人[國]。


It is recommended that a separate bank account , with the appropriate committee chair as cosignatory , be established for these funds 建議這些款項應該存入獨立的銀行戶頭,并由適當的委員會主席擔任戶頭的連署簽名人來確立這些資金。

Cosignatory account needs open what condition and formalities , had better go asking a bank , almost every bank lobby sets advisory office 開辦聯名帳戶需要什么條件和手續,最好去詢問銀行,幾乎每家銀行大廳都設有咨詢處。

It which bank home has now is ok that which bank home has now is open cosignatory account ? if have , what condition and procedure to need 現在國內有哪家銀行可以開辦聯名帳戶么?若有,需要什么條件和手續么?