
cosh n.〔英俚〕(金屬心、外包橡皮的)棍子;警棍。vt.用棍...


In chapter 3 , the elegant hermite - cosh - gaussian beams as another special case in hermite - sinusodiol - gaussian family is introduced and its propagation properties through a first - order optical abcd system are investigated . an analytical solution of the elegant herimite - cosh - gaussian beam propagating through a first - order abcd system is derived , and correspondingly , the closed - form m2 - factor , the beam width , the curvature radius and the power in bucket are presented analytically . the numerical investigations are carried out and show that the m2 - factor of elegant hermite - cosh - gaussian beam is greater than that of elegant hermite - gaussian beams and less than that of hermite - gaussian beams approximately 本文得到的主要結果可歸納為:首次用強度矩的方法研究了hermite - cosh - gaussia ( hchg )光束,得到了hchg光束的束寬、曲率半徑、 m ~ 2因子、瑞利距離等的解析表達式;用陡峭度和pib參數去衡量hchg光束的光束質量,找到了hchg光束在傳輸過程中影響光束質量的因素并得到了變化規律;證明了hchg光束在傳輸過程中的重心和對稱性都會得到保持。

Apart from allocations to government departments and cosh , we will provide financial support to voluntary and non - government agencies to conduct anti - smoking activities , including those on youth smoking prevention , through the health care and promotion fund and the health and health services research found 除了撥款予政府部門和香港吸煙與健康委員會外,我們也會通過健康護理及促進基金和?生及醫護服務研究基金,向志愿機構和非政府組織提供資助,以推行包括防止青少年吸煙的反吸煙活動。

Chapter 3 : in this chapter , the propagation characteristic and focusing properties of elegant hermite - cosh - gaussian ( ehchg ) beam through a finite aperture are investigated . the variance of the beam width , the generalized analytical expression of mg2 - factor and the power fraction of the truncated beam are derived theoretically and illustrated numerically 第三章:討論了eleganthermite - cosh - gaussian ( ehchc )光束通過有限孔徑的傳播特性和聚焦性質,得到了其光束束寬, m ~ 2因子及能量分數的解析表達式,并分析了影響光束參數的因素及其變化規律。

Using the intensity moments method , the beam quality parameters such as the propagation factor ( m2 factor ) , kurtosis parameter ( k parameter ) and point stability , etc . of typical laser beams , e . g . , fgbs , sgbs and hermite - cosh - gaussian ( hchg ) beams , are studied 并且利用強度矩方法對平頂分布光束、厄米?雙曲余弦?高斯光束等具有代表性光束的光束質量(包括光束傳輸因子( m ~ 2因子) 、平等度和瞄準穩定性等)作了研究。

Separately , the hong kong council on smoking and health ( cosh ) has been promoting smoke - free messages among primary and secondary school students through educational activities such as anti - smoking dramas 此外,香港吸煙與健康委員會亦有推出反吸煙話劇等教育活動,向中小學生宣揚無煙信息。

Futhermore , we have two questions about “ the propagation properties of hermite - cosh - gaussian laser beams “ in optics communications 186 ( 2000 ) . one is the eq 第三章提出了ehchg光束,用collins公式研究了ehchg光束在光學abcd系統中的傳輸,得到傳輸表達式。

Defenders of basel 2 point out that the agencies are under the cosh now , but that their record in assessing the risk of default is pretty good 巴塞爾協議2的捍衛者指出評級公司遭受批評,但是它們的評價違約風險的紀錄是非常好的。

If you yourself use a spring cosh and you miss your blow with the extreme end of the weapon , it is doubtful if they are worth the trouble 如果你自己使用彈簧短棍,卻又沒能用武器的頂端命中的話,讓人懷疑是否值得費這事。

Council on smoking and health cosh 吸煙與健康委員會

Hong kong council on smoking and health cosh 香港吸煙與健康委員會

The train robbers coshed the guard 搶劫列車的匪徒用短棍襲擊列車長

5 . hong kong council on smoking and health cosh 5 .香港吸煙與健康委員會

Knuckle - dusters , clubs , coshes , rice flails 鋼鐵拳套球棒棍棒連枷。