
cose vi.,n.= coze.


It canbe determined the enhancing effect of new steel fiber to shear resistance of beams by the test of tensile strength of steel fiber reinforced concrete , it is important to reduce test cose and increase research efficiency 可以通過鋼纖維混凝土抗拉強度試驗來確定新品種鋼纖維對梁斜截面上混凝土受剪承載力的增強作用,這對于降低試驗成本和提高研究效率具有重要工程價值。

Low - cose housing 低價住房

Tante belle cose 祝你健康! ”

Cose , ellis . “ our new look : the colors of race . 我們的新面貌:人種的顏色。