
corydalis n.【植物;植物學】紫堇(屬)。


Abstract : the pollen morphology of 5 species of corydalis from northeast china was observed and compared by sem . the results declared the shape and size of the pollen and exine sculpture of the 5 species were basically stable and could serve as a taxonomic character 文摘:用掃描電鏡對東北延胡索極其近緣植物的花粉形態進行了觀察,結果發現花粉粒在形狀、大小、外壁紋飾、溝的長短及寬度等方面均有區別,從中獲得了東北延胡索及其近緣植物分類方面的孢粉學依據.因此花粉的特征可用于區別延胡索類植物

The method of sds - page was used to analyse the electrophoretic band of their seeds , and compare corydalis adunca maxim . living in gannan area with three kinds of corydalis straminea maxim living in different environments . by the principle of the higher of the similarity index of protein , the similarer of their blood relationship , author thought corydalis adunca maxim . living in gannan is the similarest with corydalis straminea maxim living in lunzhong area . then analysing the alkaloids in corydalis adunca 對這兩種紫堇的種子進行了sds ? page凝膠電泳分析,根據蛋白質圖譜,比較了甘南灰綠黃堇與三種不同產地的草黃堇的蛋白質相似度指數,依據相似度指數越高,種間的親緣關系越接近的原則,認為甘南灰綠黃堇與隴中草黃堇的親緣關系較近。

Then , author analysed the interal and outeral reasons leading to the difference . analysing the contents of essential oil in the two species by gc - ms and knowing that most of chemical contents in corydalis adunca maxim . are alcohol , ester and ketone 利用水蒸氣蒸餾法對這兩個種的揮發性成分進行了提取、分離,通過氣相色譜?質譜聯用,分析鑒別出110余種化學成分。

But , the contents of essential oil in corydalis straminea maxim is simpler than that one , most of their chemical contents are long - chain alkylations , whose c are from 15 to 36 通過分析比較灰綠黃堇和草黃堇生物堿、延胡索乙素含量、揮發油含量及成分分析等方面的異同,為它們的開發利用提供科學依據。

The author believed that the area where corydalis distributes richly in gansu is from 34 30 “ to 35 30 ' ( n ) and from 102 to 105 ( e ) 認為甘肅紫堇屬植物種類最豐富的地區位于北緯34 . 5至35 . 5度之間,東經102至105度之間。

Investigation on antifeeding and ovipositing - repelling activity of the plant corydalis sheareri against two lepidoptera insects 對兩種鱗翅目昆蟲拒食和拒產卵活性的初步研究

Toxicity reaction of radix angelicae sinensis , rhizoma curcumae , rhizoma corydalis and its compatibility on mice 當歸莪術延胡索及其配伍對小鼠的毒性反應

Determination of tetrahydropalmatine of different processed products of rhizoma corydalis by hplc 測定延胡索不同炮制品中延胡索乙素含量

Efect of different processing on the content of tetrahydropalmatine in rhizoma corydalis 不同炮制方法對延胡索中延胡索乙素含量的影響

Effect of total alkaloids from rhizoma corydalis decumbeutis on platelet aggregation function 夏天無總堿抑制血小板聚集作用的研究

Assay of tetrahydropalmatine in corydalis tuber of different processing drugs by hplc 測定延胡索不同炮制品中延胡索乙素含量

Sop gap standard operating procedure on corydalis saxicola bunting 巖黃連規范化種植標準操作規程

Seeding propagation of corydalis saxicola bunting 巖黃連種子繁殖研究

Studies on dissolubility rule of alkaloids in corydalis ambigua 延胡索生物堿溶出規律的研究

Cultivation technolgy of corydalis saxicola bunting 瀕危野生藥材巖黃連人工栽培技術

Quality evaluation of processed drugs of corydalis tuber 延胡索炮制品的質量評價