
corvette n.(舊時木造帆裝的)海防艦;輕巡洋艦;(現代的)小型護...


The royal australian navy ' s first victory against the japanese occurred on 21 january off darwin when the submarine i124 was destroyed by depth charges dropped by the bathurst class corvettes katoomba , lithgow and deloraine and the united states destroyer edsall 澳大利亞皇家海軍對日本作戰取得的第一次勝利是在1月21日達爾文港,由巴瑟斯特級輕武裝快艦卡通巴號,里特高號,迪洛瑞尼號和美國驅逐艦埃德索爾號一起投放的深水炸彈擊毀潛艇伊124 。

Following an air raid where the empress of asia was sunk , the yarra , along with the australian corvettes bendigo and wollongong were able to rescue many of the people aboard 亞洲女皇號遭空襲沉沒后, ,雅拿號與澳大利亞輕武裝快艦本迪茍號和沃朗恭號搶救使得許多人登上船。

It will be absolutely necessary that the place you may select have a small harbor , creek , or bay , into which my corvette can enter and remain at anchor 你挑選的地方務必要有一個小港,小溪或小灣,可以讓我的帆船進去拋錨。

The ford mustang and chevrolet corvette have managed to retain their essential characters over decades 福特的野馬和雪弗蘭的輕巡洋艦在過去的幾十年里長期保持著獨特的風格。

It is advised to add small windows to shuttles / corvettes to give a better sense of scale 在穿梭機/微型巡洋艦上安裝舷窗以實現更好的比例感。

The corvette must now , i think , be on her way to f camp , must she not ? 我想,那只帆船現在一定啟程往費康去了,是不是? ”

Have you ever tried to catch a corvette in some timberlands ? i mean . . 你有沒在森林抓過巡洋艦?我說. .

Have you ever tried to catch a corvette in some timberlands ? i mean 你有沒在森林抓過巡洋艦?我說

Lucy's distress call was heard by the corvette . 驅潛快艇聽到了露西的呼救信號。