
coruscate vi.閃爍;(才氣)煥發。


As a coruscated “ century commerce city ” , the hometown of overseas chinese and a special economic zone , shantou attracts more and more tourists at home and from abroad to enjoy the “ charm and romantic of the sea and wind ” here , for its nature , history , humanity and landscapes and the strong local culture have contributed it rich tourism resources 作為重煥青春的“百載商埠” ,眾多僑商俊彥的故園、濃縮中國國情的典型特區,獨具特色的自然、歷史、人文景觀和濃郁的地方文化賦予汕頭豐富的旅游資源,吸引海內外的眾多游人來品味這“海風潮韻” 。

Then in the period of releasing the chinese architectures , whether could the chinese architects afford the responsibility to digest and convert the chinese cultural essential in order to make the urbanization and new rural construction coruscate the extraordinary splendor 那么,在釋放中國建筑的進程中,中國建筑師是否有責任將中國建筑丈化中的精華融會、轉換,使中國的城市化和新農村建設煥發異彩?

Efficacy : shea butter can nourish skin while mineral mud helps to make skin firm , letting your skin turn energetic as if you were having a shower in the nature and coruscating charm 功效:乳木果能夠滋潤肌膚;礦物泥則可幫助緊實肌膚,讓您的肌膚恢復神采奕奕,猶如沐浴在大自然的氣息中,煥發出迷人的光彩。

In june 2003 , guangxi yinhe group co . , ltd . invested entirely in nanning international hotel , which made the resplendent nanhu pearls coruscated out more dazzling rays of light 2003年6月廣西銀河集團有限公司入主廣西沃頓國際大酒店,全新活力的注入使這顆璀燦的南湖明珠煥發出更耀眼的光芒。

In addition , to protect reform and use traditional folk domicile , we must join its concrete and actual condition , make it into the new benign cycle and afresh coruscate new vitality 此外對傳統民居的保護與改造利用,必須結合其本身的具體實際情況,使其進入新的良性循環,重新煥發新的活力。

The childishness of juvenile had just faded from his face , and the adolescent luster of his age had not been coruscating due to apparent malnutrition 臉上看來才剛剛褪掉少年的稚氣? ?顯然由于營養不良,還沒有煥發出他這種年齡所特有的那種青春光彩。

St . john said these words as he pronounced his sermons , with a quiet , deep voice ; with an unflushed cheek , and a coruscating radiance of glance 圣.約翰像布道一樣說著這些話,語調平靜而深沉,臉不發紅,目光炯炯。他繼續說:

The employee stock ownership plan coruscating new vitality and energy of the diversified enterprises 職工持股計劃煥發多經企業新的生機與活力