
corundum n.【礦物】剛石,剛玉;【機械工程】金鋼砂(磨料);金剛...


Study on the synthesis of corundum - mullite - gahnite multiphase materials by one - step sintering process using kaolinite showed that corundum - mullite - gahnite multiphase materials with the apparent porosity less than 5 % can be obtained through sintering at 1700 for 3h 在1700下保溫3h ,能夠一步合成出顯氣孔率在5以下的剛玉?莫來石?鋅鋁尖晶石復相材料,各物相間結合緊密,發育較好。

The company has two factories : round processing factory and processing factory of the miscellaneous shape , and there are offices in qingdao , the main products have the cube to oxidize the zirconium , formate the corundum , sharp brilliant series etc . 公司下設有兩個工廠:圓形加工廠和雜形加工廠,并在青島設有辦事處,主要產品有立方氧化鋯合成剛玉尖晶系列等。

Remark : special material includes : gh3039 , inconel600 , monel alloy , gh44 , 3yc52 , cr50ni5 alloy , hastelloy , tantalum , titanium , nickel , molybdenum , fibre - ceramic , mosi2 , corundum , al2o3 , silicon carbide , momg 注:特殊材質包括: gh3039 inconel600 monel合金gh44 3yc52 cr50ni50合金哈爾合金鉭鈦鎳鉬纖維陶瓷管二硅化鉬剛玉管高鉛管碳化硅鉬化鎂。

Remark : special material includes : gh3039 , inconel600 , monel alloy , gh44 , 3yc52 , cr50ni5 alloy , hastelloy , tantalum , titanium , nickel , molybdenum , fibre - ceramic , mosi2 , corundum , al2o3 , silicon carbide , momg 注:特殊材質包括: gh3039 inconel600 monel合金gh44 3yc52 cr50ni50合金哈爾合金鉭鈦鎳鉬纖維陶瓷管二硅化鉬剛玉管高鉛管碳化硅鉬化鎂。

This product is widely applied in the industries such as high - grade pigment , architecture ceramic , structure ceramic , function ceramic , electron ceramic , refractory , corundum products , grinding material 該產品廣泛應用于高檔色料建筑陶瓷結構陶瓷功能陶瓷電子陶瓷定型或者不定型耐火材料剛玉制品研磨材料各種行業。

The results show that the physical properties of corundum castble at room temperature are significantly improved by adding a small quantity of nano - silica , while the castable ' s thermal shock resistance has decreased 研究結果表明,加入少量納米二氧化矽能夠明顯地改善剛玉澆注料的常溫物理性能,但使其抗熱震性能降低。

The erosive wear behaviors of five engineering materials , include a3 steel , 1crl8ni9ti stainless steel , high chromium cast iron , ptfe and corundum , were studied by an air blast tester under ambient 采用氣流噴砂型實驗裝置測試了a _ 3鋼、 1cr18ni9ti不銹鋼、高鉻鑄鐵、聚四氟乙烯和剛玉五種工程材料的耐沖蝕性能。

Shenzhen chenggong trade co . , ltd . supply sintered corundum abrasive chips . over ten shapes : triangle , oblique triangle , fan , cylinder , oblique cylinder , rhombus , square , v - shape , ball shape , elliptical , etc 有十多種形狀上百個規格,如:三角形斜切三角形圓柱形斜切圓柱形扇形橢圓形正方形球形v形菱形等。

Usage : mainly used in the production of fused salt electrorefining aluminium , corundum , enamel , refractories and other alumina chemical products , meanwhile it can also used in paints area 用途:適用于溶解鹽電解法生產電解鋁,也適用于生產剛玉、陶瓷耐火制品及生產其他氧化鋁化學制品。同時也可用于涂料行業當中

Ruby , this magnificent red variety from the multi - coloured corundum family , consists of aluminium oxide and chrome as well as very fine traces of other elements - depending on which deposit it was from 在那個時候,因錯誤的分類,紅色的石榴石和尖晶石被誤認為是紅寶石。因此用來裝飾于英國皇冠,稱為黑紅寶石

The gemstones in the corundum group consist of pure aluminium oxide which crystallised into wonderful gemstones a long time ago as a result of pressure and heat at a great depth 藍寶石的礦物名稱為剛玉,其純鋁氧化物,是在久遠以前被地層底下的壓力和熱度結晶化,轉換為美麗燦爛的寶石。純剛玉是無色的。

Remark : special material includes : gh3039 , inconel600 , monel alloy , gh44 , 3yc52 , cr50ni5 alloy , hastelloy , tantalum , titanium , nickel , molybdenum , fibre - ceramic , mosi2 , corundum , al2o3 , silicon carbide , momg 三型號命名方法注:特殊材質包括: gh3039 inconel600 monel合金gh44 3yc52 cr50ni50合金哈氏合

Corundum is adopted for distributing valve . mirror - surface treatment ensures good air - tightness and anti - friction . with a simple structure , it is easy for maintenance and long service life is thus expected 分配閥采用鋼玉、經鏡面處理,密封好、耐磨,結構簡單易于維護,使用壽命長。

Supply sintered corundum abrasive chips . over ten shapes : triangle , oblique triangle , fan , cylinder , oblique cylinder , rhombus , square , v - shape , ball shape , elliptical , etc 有十多種形狀上百個規格,如:三角形斜切三角形圓柱形斜切圓柱形扇形橢圓形正方形球形v形菱形等。

Bqq series corundum porous diffuser is a aeration device used in conventional , extended activated - sludge system for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment engineering 產品簡介: bqq系列剛玉微孔曝氣器適用于工業污水、市政污水處理工程中傳統的、擴展的活性污泥處理工藝。

Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum , one of the hardest minerals on earth , of which the sapphire is also a variety 紅寶石的礦物名稱為剛玉,其硬度是地球上硬度最佳的礦物之一,而藍寶石也屬剛玉家族。在摩氏硬度表中剛玉的硬度是被列為

Long ago , it was decided that all gemstones of the mineral corundum should be referred to as sapphire , except the red colour , which was called ruby 。最后達成的協議是:稱紅色的藍寶石為紅寶石,稱其他顏色為藍寶石和彩色藍寶石。

The corundums , coated with a special resin , are sawn by thin diamond - polished blades . the discs are then separated , cleaned and sorted 用極薄的金剛砂拋光鋸片,將外涂特殊樹脂的金剛石切成若干圓片,然后將圓片分離、洗凈并分類。

The sapphire belongs to the corundum group , the members of which are characterised by their excellent hardness 9 on the mohs scale 我們一會就會詳解。藍寶石是屬于剛玉家族,在摩氏硬度表中剛玉的硬度是被列為