
cortisone n.【生物化學】(腎上腺)皮質酮[素];【藥學】可的松。


Diosgenin , 16 dehydropregneninolone , acetate ( 16 - dpa ) are exacted from plant through high - tech , and used to produce steroid hormone intermediates and steroid intermediate , can be used to make cortisone , flcocinonidum , prednisone , progesterone , testosterone and similar hormones 皂素、雙烯產品是從薯蕷科植物中提取的,分別甾體激素藥主要起始原料和中間體,可用來制造膚的松、強的松、黃體酮、睪丸素等激素藥物。

He has had to pump himself full of the pain - killer cortisone , to enable him to play on with the countless injuries inflicted by the butchers he found wherever he played ? in argentina , in spain , in italy and in world cup tournaments 他必須要靠止痛的可的松來使自己精力充沛,使他能頂住到處都會碰到的類似布切爾給他的那種傷害?包括在阿根廷,西班牙,意大利以及世界杯錦標賽。

Indeed the rich men who held his contracts insisted he take the drugs , because their bank balances needed him on the pitch , regardless of the damage which cortisone can do to the body in later life 實際上與他簽約的富人們執意要他服用這種藥,因為他們的銀行收支絕對與他的良好競技狀態息息相關,哪管可的松會對他的身體將來所產生什么危害。

Researchers have learned that with cortisone injections often prescribed for tendinopathies , the tissue damage caused by the injection may be more therapeutic than the cortisone itself 研究院了解到一般對于腱子病變衰退癥都是采用可的松注射的方法,但是由此引發的對于腱子組織的傷害可能更大于可的松本身對于癥狀的治療效果。

The yankees ' first run came off the bat of giambi , who spoke before the game about needing to drive the ball and said he planned to spend a future off - day receiving a cortisone injection 洋基的第一分來自于技安,他在賽前說到要把球敲的老遠且他計劃在移動日休息一天將接受可體松注射。

One option could be a third cortisone shot inside a month , but giambi said if that ' s the plan , the spike would probably have to wait until the end of next week 其中的一個選擇可能是本月份中第三次注射止痛針,但是技安說如果這樣計劃的話,可能要等到下周比賽結束后再打針了。

That the adrenal glands play some part in the disease progress is suggested by therapeutic benefit in regard to pain and stiffness in joints which follows treatment by cortisone 用可的松治療后,關節疼痛和強直得到改善,這就提示腎上腺參與本病的過程。

Giambi , whose homer was the 350th of his career , missed the last six games after receiving his third cortisone injection in a month for his ailing left wrist 在因左手手腕關節炎復發而休息6場比賽后,技安在這場比賽敲出生涯中的第350支全壘打。

Rocket shot : roger clemens got a second opinion on his ailing right elbow yesterday in houston , then he received a cortisone shot 克萊門斯在休斯頓另尋他右肘問題的診斷和醫師看法,然后他注了一劑可體松。

Studies have shown that it has an anti - inflammatory , anti - itch effect similar to cortisone 種種研究已經顯示了甘草精具有一種防刺激感物質,止癢的效果,這類似考的松。

He said that he has not completely ruled out receiving a cortisone shot 他說他不完全排除接受可體松(治關節炎)注射。

Tetracycline and cortisone eye oint 四環素可的松眼膏

Health standard for cortisone in the air of workplace 車間空氣中考的松衛生標準