
cortisol n.【生物化學】皮質醇;【藥學】氫可的松。


Serous cortisol content in each group increased , while cortisol content in group i was higher than that in each other group ( p < 0 . 05 ) . serous - ep content in each group increased and then decreased gradually , but - ep content in group iv has a significant increased at half an hour following incision ( p < 0 . 05 ) . conclusions canine immune functions are suppressed by operation with different anesthetic techniques to different degree , but resume at 15th day after operation . there is an interacting and interadjusting mechanism among the cns ( central nerve system ) , the endocrine system and the immune system 結果各組在麻醉手術后4h及術后1d白細胞總數、嗜中性分葉狀粒細胞數顯著增加( p 0 . 05 ) ,淋巴細胞數減少;血清球蛋白含量先降低后升高;組rbc ? c _ 3br花環率先降低再升高后降低,其它組均先降低; t淋巴細胞轉化率均呈現不同程度的降低,在術后7d左右恢復正常;血漿皮質醇濃度先升高后降低,但組皮質醇含量在切皮后30min較其它組上升顯著( p 0 . 05 ) ;血漿- ep濃度先升高后降低,但組- ep含量在切皮后30min較其它組上升顯著( p 0 . 05 ) 。

Baseline and stimulated growth hormone ( gh ) , cortisol , luteinizing hormone ( lh ) , follicle - stimulating hormone ( fsh ) , prolactin ( prl ) , and thyroid - stimulating hormone ( tsh ) responses were measured using standard pituitary function tests , before therapy in all and during therapy in 17 out of the 21 patients 用標準的垂體功能試驗評估所有21例患者中17例治療前及期間基礎和刺激狀態下的生長激素( gh ) ,皮質醇,促黃體生成素( lh ) ,促卵胞生成素( fsh ) ,催乳素( prl )以及促甲狀腺激素( tsh )的反應。

Previous studies looking at this topic may have failed to identify a link because they focused on women at least 6 weeks after their last menstrual period . by contrast , most miscarriages occur earlier in pregnancy , usually within three weeks of conception . in the study reported in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences early edition , levels of the stress hormone cortisol levels were measured in the urine during the first 3 weeks of 22 pregnancies 此前就這一課題進行的多次研究之所以未能成功確認兩者之間的聯系,其原因或許在于研究人員總是將注意力放在那些停經已達6周之久的孕婦身上,但大部分流產都發生在妊娠的最初階段,通常是在懷孕開始后的3周內。

The co - expression of l l6 - hsd1 and gr in the saxne chorionic trophoblast suggests possible intrcrine achons ofglucoconicoid generated by l l6 - hsdl within the cells . 2 . ewe radiomctric conversion assay showed that trctrient of the cells with the synthetic glucocorticoid - - dexarnethasone ( l0 - ' m ) for 24h increased the conversion of conisone to cortisol , and thes increase was blocked by the gr antagonist ru486 雙標免疫組織化學染色結果顯示11p hsdi和gr共存于同一個滋養層細胞,提示在體內無活性的gc代謝產物?一17羥d脫氫皮質酮經11p hsdi還原活化后可以直接與同一個細胞內的gr結合,即以內在分泌( intracrine )形式發揮作用

After correcting for gender and for physiological maturity , they found that kids with more severe ptsd symptoms and higher bedtime cortisol levels ( another marker of stress ) at the start of the study were more likely to have reductions in their hippocampal volumes at the end of the study than their less - affected , but still traumatized peers 校正了性別和生理成熟度因素之后,發現起始階段ptsd癥狀較嚴重且在睡眠期間皮質醇水平(應激的另一個標志物)較高的兒童比其他受影響較小但依然受到創傷的同齡兒童在研究結束時海馬體積縮小。

Adding cortisol into an already stressful situation for those with phobias may sound paradoxical , but dominique de quervain at the university of zurich in switzerland wanted to exploit the stress hormone ' s ability to block fearful memories from being formed in his experiment 把可體松加到已經夠緊張的恐懼癥患者身上聽起來似是而非,但瑞士蘇黎世大學的多明尼克?克帆想在他的實驗中,開發壓力荷爾蒙的能力,來封阻可怕的回憶成形。

Specifically , the researchers examined the effect of sleep deprivation on plasma concentrations of hormones involved in glucose metabolism , including insulin , glucagon , c - peptide , acth and cortisol levels , before and during a hypoglycemic clamp procedure 研究人員特別研究了在低血糖產生之前及低血糖期間,睡眠不足對血漿中與葡萄糖代謝有關的激素濃度的作用,包括胰島素、高血糖素、 c -肽、 acth和皮質醇水平。

The city workers were also given an audio - visual tour of london ' s only roman amphitheatre . study leader professor angela clow , from the university of westminster , said : “ measurement of cortisol in saliva is an effective way of quantifying a person ' s stress levels 此項研究的負責人,英國威斯敏斯特大學的安吉拉克洛教授對此表示: “通過測量唾液中的皮質醇濃度可以有效地判斷一個人的壓力水平。

The researchers found that children with post - traumatic stress disorder and high levels of the stress hormone cortisol were likely to experience a decrease in the size of the hippocampus - a brain structure important in memory processing and emotion 這些研究者發現患有創傷后應激障礙的兒童和體內應激激素皮質醇含量高的兒童可能出現海馬體積的縮小(海馬是參與記憶過程和情緒反應的重要腦結構) 。

Cortisol stress hormone if you ' re feeling over - worked and stressed , then popping in to your nearest art gallery could be the answer . a group of 28 stressed - out city high - fliers were studied as they spent their lunch break viewing art 如果你感覺工作過于勞累且壓力很大,那么不妨去離你最近的藝術畫廊走走看看,因為英國一項最新的研究顯示,在畫廊中欣賞藝術品可以有效地幫你減輕工作壓力。

The researchers found that children with post - traumatic stress disorder and high leels of the stress hormone cortisol were likely to experience a decrease in the size of the hippocampus - a brain structure important in memory processing and emotion 他們發現患有創傷后精神障礙并伴有高水平應激激素皮質醇的兒童很容易發生海馬體積減小,海馬是參與記憶和情感過程的重要腦區。

In a vicious cycle , a reduction in hippocampal size can make it more difficult for a child to process and deal with traumatic events , which in turn may raise both stress and cortisol levels that cause even more damage 海馬體積的縮小使得兒童在處理創傷性事件時更為困難,而這些創傷性事件又可提高應激和皮質醇水平,進而導致海馬更嚴重的損傷,從而構成惡性循環。

Neither significant correlation nor statistically significant difference was found between the serum cortisol level 30 minutes after ( 1 - 24 ) acth and the peak cortisol value during the insulin hypoglycemia test 于腎上皮促素靜注三十分后血清皮質醇的濃度與胰島素低血糖試驗中血清皮質醇的最大值之間的差異,在統計上并無意義;此二者之間亦無統計上有意義的相關。

In a icious cycle , a reduction in hippocampal size can make it more difficult for a child to process and deal with traumatic eents , which in turn may raise both stress and cortisol leels that cause een more damage 海馬體積的減小使兒童更難處理創傷事件,而這將導致更大的應激和更高的皮質醇水平引起更大的損傷,形成惡性循環。

Owing to persistent electrolyte abnormalities and renal salt loss , hormone studies were done and revealed elevated concentrations of cortisol , adrenocorticotropic hormone , aldosterone , renin and 17 - hydroxyprogesterone 但實驗室檢查卻發現持續性代謝性酸中毒,電解質失調包括低血鈉,高血鉀,低血氯和大量鈉離子由尿液中流失。

The scientists also noted differences in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and the sleep hormone melatonin - the chemical responsible for a good night s sleep - a fortnight after travelling 科學家還發現,旅程后的第十四天,運動員體內影響壓力的腎上腺皮質分泌和睡眠的荷爾蒙水平,與平日有很大的分別。

Apart from testing 20 arachnophobes , prof de quervain also put 21 social phobics treated with cortisol through a mock job interview in front of three stony - faced and lab - coated interviewers 除了測試20位蜘蛛恐懼癥患者外,克帆教授也對21位社交恐懼癥患者施以可體松,并由三個臉帶殺氣的面試者進行假的工作面試。

Study leader professor angela clow , from the university of westminster , said : “ measurement of cortisol in saliva is an effective way of quantifying a person ' s stress levels 此項研究的負責人,英國威斯敏斯特大學的安吉拉克洛教授對此表示: “通過唾液中的皮質醇濃度可以有效地判斷一個人的壓力水平。

Levels of the steroid hormone cortisol , the same hormone that rises when you ' re stressed , hit their peak when you wake up in the morning but dip to a low by afternoon 類固醇激素皮質醇,亦即你感到有壓力時分泌會相應升高的那種激素,在你早上醒來時達到最高點,但到下午就降低。