
corticosteroid n.【生物化學】(腎上腺)皮質激素類,皮質甾(類),皮質...


Knowing the risk factors , prevalence , and pathophysiology can help the clinician prevent , monitor , and treat corticosteroid - induced ocular hypertension and glaucoma 了解其危險因素、發病特點以及病理生理學機制有助于臨床醫師去預防、監測和治療激素性高眼壓和青光眼。

Putting together , we suggest that corticosteroids and hydroxychloroquine for treating sle activity are able to control thyroid inflammation and hypothyroid function 總之,治療全身性紅斑狼瘡而使用的皮質類固醇及氫氧奎寧可能可幫助控制甲狀腺發炎及甲狀腺功能低下癥。

The researchers note that this is an observational study that “ cannot conclude that [ inhaled corticosteroids ] reduce lung cancer “ and that the results need confirmation 研究人員說,這是一項觀察性研究,不能得出“吸入糖皮質激素可以減少肺癌” ,這些結果需要證實。

Abstract : objective to evaluate the effectiveness of cyclophosphamide pulse therapy in combination with small dose of corticosteroid for the treatment of lupus nephritis 文摘:目的探討環磷酰胺沖擊療法聯合小劑量皮質類固醇激素治療狼瘡性腎炎的療效。

We report an unusual case of a patient with nephrotic syndrome who had received corticosteroid therapy and presented with multiple cavitary pulmonary nodules 我們報告一例并不尋常的病例在腎病癥候群經類固醇治療后是以肺部多發性開洞性結節表現。

Whether inhaled corticosteroids ( ics ) can cause skin and eye problems like those seen with systemic or topical steroids is more difficult to answer 像這樣對于吸入的的皮質激素是否引起皮膚和眼睛的問題對照于全身或者局部使用是更難回答的。

Results erythrodermic psoriasis was recorded to be caused by multiple factors , incorrect use of corticosteroids and infection were the main ones 結果多種因素可導致紅皮病型銀屑病發病,不規范應用糖皮質激素及感染是其主要原因。

Of these , 517 were regular users of inhaled corticosteroids as determined by records of pharmacy refills and were included in the study ' s analysis 其中,研究分析包括通過藥房配藥確定517例規則吸入糖皮質激素患者。

Myopathy and the concurrent administration of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blockers are well described in the intensive care unit ( icu ) setting 在icu ,肌病與同時給予皮質類固醇和神經肌肉阻滯劑被詳細記錄。

Recent studies suggest that younger age may also be a risk factor in patients treated via the intravitreal route with corticosteroids 最近的研究提示,年齡較輕可能是玻璃體內應用激素的患者眼壓升高的危險因素。

They were treated with early immobilization combined with early and sufficient antibiotics and adequate corticosteroid 對確診為手術后椎間隙感染的患者嚴格臥床,早期靜脈聯合應用大劑量抗生素,并給予適量激素。

If you are taking thiazide diuretics , licorice , or corticosteroids ( potassium loss may be aggravated with these drugs ) 如你正在服用噻嗪類利尿劑、甘草或皮質甾類藥物,可能由于這些藥物導致鉀元素流失的加速。

Since diagnosis , he has had repeated exacerbations despite aggressive therapy that included corticosteroids , theophylline , and inhaled bronchodilators 在最近的一次住院當中,支氣管誘發測驗顯示陰性反應。

Thirty - four of 57 were treated with topical corticosteroids , and in all of the patients the rash resolved usually without sequelae 57名中的34名采用局部皮質激素治療,所有患者皮疹消失,且通常無后遺癥。

Many women limit or stop using inhaled corticosteroids during this time because they believe the treatment could harm their baby 由于擔心傷害孩子,很多婦女在哺乳時減少或停止吸入皮質激素。

The striker tested positive for illegal corticosteroids following the 2 - 1 home defeat to roma in week 11 這位前鋒是在第11輪聯賽中主場1 - 2輸給羅馬的比賽后,尿樣抽查中檢查出來含有違禁成分。

The study of the relationships between eosinophil cationic protein and corticosteroid in asthma with acute attack 糖皮質激素對支氣管哮喘急性發作期患者血清嗜酸細胞陽離子蛋白及肺功能的影響

What are the side effects of corticosteroid and immunosuppressive agents in the treatment of uveitis 固醇corticosteroid及免疫系統抑制劑immunosuppressive agents可引致那些副作用

Conclusion postoperative endophthalmitis should be generally controlled by the use of corticosteroid , mydriatic and so on 結論術后眼內炎應用皮質炎固醇、散瞳劑等藥物大多能夠控制。