
cortical adj.外皮的;皮質的,皮層的。


Retinal distribution properties of preferred orientation of cortical cell responses to grating in the cat 貓視皮層神經元對光柵反應最優方位在視網膜上分布特性的研究

Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells of rats for in vitro repair of cortical neurons following anoxia - reoxygenation 大鼠嗅鞘細胞原代培養克隆樣生長的人為干預效應

Neuroprotective effects of sodium - hydroxybutyrate against cortical neuron injury induced by hypoxia - reoxygenation 羥丁酸鈉對皮質神經元缺氧復氧損傷的保護作用

Effect on neural stem cells in hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult rats after cortical devascularization 去大腦皮質血管后對成年大鼠海馬齒狀回神經干細胞的影響

Extract of ginkgo biloba on the cortical neurons apoptosis induced by hypoxia reoxygenation 銀杏葉提取物對缺氧復氧誘導大鼠大腦皮層神經細胞凋亡的保護作用

Protective effect of jnk inhibitor cep - 11004 on the alcl3 - induced apoptosis in cortical neurons of rat pups 11004對鋁誘導的大鼠皮層神經元凋亡的保護作用

Microgyrus morphology and hippocampal mossy fiber sprouting in rats with focal cortical dysplasia 皮質發育障礙大鼠小腦回形態學和海馬苔蘚纖維發芽的研究

Morphological study on the apoptosis of cerebral cortical neurons induced by hypoxia reoxygenation 缺氧復氧誘導大鼠大腦皮層神經細胞凋亡的形態學研究

Protective effects of shenmai injection on hypoxic injured cortical neurons in cultured rats 參麥注射液對培養鼠大腦皮層神經細胞缺氧損傷的保護作用

Role of brain - derived neurotrophic factor in hypoxia - induced fetal cortical neurons 腦源性神經營養因子對體外培養大鼠胚腦皮質神經元缺氧的保護作用

Effects of iptakalim hydrochloride on apoptosis of primary cultured cortical neurons induced by hypoxia 鹽酸埃他卡林對缺氧誘導神經細胞凋亡的影響

Effects of aluminum chloride on the apoptosis and the expression of bcl - 2 and bax genes in rat cortical neurons 硫丹對小鼠子宮內膜細胞的增殖作用

Protective effect of buyanghuanwu tang on cultured rat cortical neurons against hypoxia - induced apoptosis 鎂對缺氧大鼠皮質神經元保護作用的研究

The effect of portable mobiletelephone microwave radiation on cultured rat cortical cells 移動電話微波輻射對體外培養大鼠皮層神經細胞損傷的研究

Effects of excessive iodine on apoptosis in primary cultured cortical neurons of rats 高碘對原代培養的大鼠皮層神經元細胞凋亡影響的實驗研究

These deficits localized the lesion to the left frontal cortical / subcortical region 根據這些癥狀可將損害定位于左側皮質或皮質下區域。

Preparation of glutamic acid electrode from the cortical tissues of pumpkin and its application 黃南瓜組織膜谷氨酸電極的制備及應用

On lactic acid , sod , cortical and testosterone in the serum of sleep - deprived rats 短期完全性睡眠剝奪對幼年大鼠生理和器官功能的影響

Cortical motor area 皮層運動區