
cortex n.(pl. -tices ) 外皮;【解剖學】皮質,皮...


Acute toxic effect of sodium cyanide on cerebral cortex of rats and its mechanism 氰化鈉急性染毒對大鼠大腦皮層損傷的作用機制

Primary sensory cortex 主要感覺皮質

The sonographic appearances of the cortex correlate with pathological findings 腎皮質的超聲表現是與病理檢查結果相關聯的。

Effects of different exercise load on ultra - structure of cerebral cortex in rats 不同負荷運動對大鼠大腦皮質超微結構的影響

Results radix aucklandiae and cortex cinnamomi could be detected by tlc 結果在薄層色譜中檢出木香和肉桂,并且陰性無干擾。

Research on cortex wide epilepsy multi - piamater fibre amputatation method 皮質廣泛性癇灶多軟膜下橫纖維切斷手術方法的研究

Epidemiological study on osteal cortex hyperstosis in elder persons at harbin 哈爾濱市中老年人群骨皮質增厚的流行病學研究

Study on the identification of cortex moutan radicis in fushenning tablets with tlc method 復腎寧片中牡丹皮薄層鑒別研究

Premotor cortex and numerical processing : a meta - analysis of functional neuroimaging studies 腦功能成像研究的元分析研究

Methods radix aucklandiae and cortex cinnamomi were identified by tlc 方法采用薄層色諳法對處方中木香和肉桂進行鑒別。

These are example exam questions from the motor cortex section of the course 以下是本課程中運動皮層部分的測試樣題。

Note that the cortical ribbon is very thin because of the loss of cortex 注意由于皮質喪失,皮質邊緣變得很薄。

Separation of artery and vena in cerebral cortex based on spectrum features 基于頻譜特征的腦皮層動靜脈分離

Experimental study of the anti - inflammatory effects with the cortex mori extract 桑白皮提取物抗炎實驗研究

Resection of epilepsytogenic glioma with the cortex electrode 皮層電極監測下切除致癇性腦膠質瘤的臨床研究

He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex 他尤其關注內側眶皮層的活動。

Pharmacological study on hypnosis effect of cortex albiziae solution 合歡皮水煎劑催眠作用的藥理實驗研究

However , the cortex is not without purpose in pain processing 然而,皮層在疼痛處理過程中并非無目的性。

An image fusion method based on cortex transform is proposed 摘要提出一種基于皮層變換的圖像融合方法。