
cortes n.〔pl.〕(西班牙、葡萄牙的)議會,國會。


“ ocean oasis “ , a new giant - screen film , is a fascinating journey into the bountiful seas and pristine deserts of two remarkably different , but inextricably linked worlds - mexico s sea of cortes and the baja california desert 全天域電影深海綠洲帶領觀眾進入墨西哥加利福尼亞巴哈半島迷人之旅,到兩處截然不同,但又緊密相連的世界:一處是生態多姿的海洋世界,一處是人煙罕至的沙漠。

He was , “ what ' s up ? i ' m your captain ! we ' re taking you out to cortes . 他說: “怎么了?我是你們的船長!我們要把你們帶到科爾特斯去。 ”

Cortes bank is probably one of the most fragile areas you could imagine . . 科爾特斯海岸可能是你能想象的最脆弱的地域之一. .

Cortes bank is probably one of the most fragile areas you could imagine 科爾特斯海岸可能是你能想象的最脆弱的地域之一

Female artist cortes , rowena 女藝人露云娜

Artist name : cortes , rowena 藝人名稱:露云娜

Cortes is teeming with life 科爾特斯有豐富的生物

But the greed of cortes was insatiable 但科頓貪得無厭

The cursed treasure of cortes himself 這下了咒語的科頓的寶藏

They delivered in a stone chest to cortes himself 原本是裝在石箱運給科頓自己的