
corsican adj.,n.科西嘉島的(居民)。 the Corsic...


One fact more than the rest brought his friend “ sinbad the sailor “ back to his recollection , and that was the mysterious sort of intimacy that seemed to exist between the brigands and the sailors ; and pastrini s account of vampa s having found refuge on board the vessels of smugglers and fishermen , reminded franz of the two corsican bandits he had found supping so amicably with the crew of the little yacht , which had even deviated from its course and touched at porto - vecchio for the sole purpose of landing them 派里尼說萬帕常常躲避到走私販子和漁夫的船上去,這使弗蘭茲想起他自己也曾看到那兩個科西嘉強盜和那艘小游艇的船員們一起融洽地用餐,那艘小游艇甚至還改變了它的航程,到韋基奧港去靠了一靠,專程送他們上岸。

“ say this to him : sire , you are deceived as to the feeling in france , as to the opinions of the towns , and the prejudices of the army ; he whom in paris you call the corsican ogre , who at nevers is styled the usurper , is already saluted as bonaparte at lyons , and emperor at grenoble “對他這樣說:陛下,關于法國的形勢,市民的輿論,軍隊的士氣,您受騙了。那個在巴黎被您稱為科西嘉島的魔王,在內韋爾被冠以逆賊頭銜的人,已經在里昂被人歡呼為波拿巴,在格勒諾布爾被尊為皇帝了。

He then led the young man into the study , and either by chance or manoeuvre the door was partially closed after andrea , so that from the place where they sat neither the count nor the baroness could see anything ; but as the banker had accompanied andrea , madame danglars appeared to take no notice of it . the count soon heard andrea s voice , singing a corsican song , accompanied by the piano 于是他就領著那個青年人走進書齋里去,并且不知究竟是巧合還是有意,安德烈進去以后,那扇門成了個半掩的狀態,所以從伯爵或男爵夫人坐著的地方望過去,他們什么也看到見但因為有銀行家陪著安德烈,騰格拉爾夫人也就不去注意他們了。

It was then that she was elected miss lumio , which is the little corsican village where her father was born . a few days later , she was spotted on a nearby beach by a photographer and an agent from madison models , an important paris modeling agency . immediately taken with laetitia s natural grace and beauty , they asked her father , who was also on the beach , if she could do some test photos with them 因為第一輯照片相當理想,所以雜志的攝影主管就這樣為她提供了躋身時裝界的絕好機會,短短十個月里,她在各個主要的雜志頻頻亮相,在設計師和頂級品牌為她展開的搶奪戰中,奪目的世界頂級模特的光環已經環繞在laetitia casta的身上。

“ m . bertuccio , “ said the count , “ i am very glad to tell you , that while you gesticulate , you wring your hands and roll your eyes like a man possessed by a devil who will not leave him ; and i have always observed , that the devil most obstinate to be expelled is a secret . i knew you were a corsican “貝爾圖喬先生, ”伯爵說, “我很榮幸地告訴你,當你裝腔作勢,眼睛骨碌碌地亂轉,兩手扭來扭去的時候,實在是象一個被魔鬼纏住了的人,而我注意到,心里藏著秘密的人是最難驅逐魔鬼的。

The corsican , who had declared the vendetta against me , who had followed me from n ? mes to paris , who had hid himself in the garden , who had struck me , had seen me dig the grave , had seen me inter the child , - he might become acquainted with your person , - nay , he might even then have known it . would he not one day make you pay for keeping this terrible secret 那個科西嘉人,他曾發誓要向我為親復仇,他曾從尼姆跟蹤我到了巴黎,他曾躲在花園里,他曾襲擊了我,曾看到過我掘那個墳,曾看到過我埋那個孩子,他或許會去打聽您是什么人不,他或許甚至在當時就已經知道了。

Monte cristo noticed , as they descended the staircase , that bertuccio signed himself in the corsican manner ; that is , had formed the sign of the cross in the air with his thumb , and as he seated himself in the carriage , muttered a short prayer 基督山注意到,當他們跨上馬車的時候,貝爾圖喬曾做了一個科西嘉式的手勢,即用他的大拇指在空中劃了一個十字,而當他坐進馬車里的時候,又喃喃地低聲作了一個簡短的禱告。

But , as you know , a corsican who has sworn to avenge himself cares not for distance , so his carriage , fast as it went , was never above half a day s journey before me , who followed him on foot 但是,您是知道的,一個科西嘉人既已發誓要為自己的親人報仇,是不管路途遠近的。所以,他的馬車盡管走得快,卻從來不曾超過我半天的路程,我步行跟蹤著他。

Moreover , an industrial dispute surrounding the privatisation of sncm , the corsican ferry company , delayed the government ' s plans for the float because of worries it would reduce the appetite for the share sale 此外,圍繞著科西嘉輪渡公司sncm私有化的行業糾紛,推遲了政府的上市計劃,因為政府擔心這可能降低市場對募股交易的興趣。

Moreover , an industrial dispute surrounding the privatisation of sncm , the corsican ferry company , delayed the government ' s plans for the float because of worries it would reduce the appetite for the share sale 此外,圍繞著科西嘉輪渡公司sncm私有化的行業糾紛,推遲了政府的上市計劃,因為政府擔心這可能降低市場對募股交易的興趣。

Franz then related to his friend the history of his excursion to the island of monte cristo and of his finding a party of smugglers there , and the two corsican bandits with them 弗蘭茲于是向他的朋友敘述了那次到基督山島去游歷的經過,以及如何在那兒發現了一群走私販子,如何有兩個科西嘉強盜和他們在一起等等。

The napoleonic wars : lost . temporary victories ( remember the first rule ! ) due to leadership of a corsican , who ended up being no match for a british footwear designer 拿破侖戰爭:輸了。暫時的勝利(要記住第一條規律! )歸功于來自科西嘉島嶼的領導人,他最終還是被證明不如英國的一個制鞋匠。

The supper consisted of a roast pheasant garnished with corsican blackbirds ; a boar s ham with jelly , a quarter of a kid with tartar sauce , a glorious turbot , and a gigantic lobster 晚餐是一只烤野雞配科西嘉烏,一只港澳火腿,一只芥汁羔羊腿,一條珍貴無比的比目魚和一只碩大無朋的蝦。

Scarcely had i covered it with earth , when the arm of the corsican was stretched towards me ; i saw a shadow rise , and , at the same time , a flash of light 我剛把土蓋上,那個科西嘉人的胳膊便向我伸了過來,我看到一個影子猛地跳出來,同時看到亮光一閃。

Peste , i thought you somewhat corsican , a great deal smuggler , and an excellent steward ; but i see you have other strings to your bow 我以為你多少總有點科西嘉人的氣質,是一個經驗豐富的走私販子,一個出色的管家,但我現在看出你原來還有別的名堂。

At last , one day , when for the hundredth time i took up my spade , i asked myself again and again what the corsican could have done with the child 后來,有一天,當我第一百次拿起那把鏟子的時候,我又再三自問,究竟那個科西嘉人把那孩子怎么樣了。

Come , come , do not strip the latter of his just rights to bestow them on the corsican , who , to my mind , has usurped quite enough . 算了,不要把后者頭銜拿來去賜給那個科西嘉人指拿破侖了。我看,篡位的事已經夠多的了。 ”

“ but , “ said franz , “ the corsican bandits that were among the crew of his vessel ? “ why , really the thing seems to me simple enough “但是, ”弗蘭茲說道, “科西喜強盜和他的船員混在一起,這件事你又怎么解釋呢? ”

It is unnecessary for you to bind yourself by any vow , said he ; i know and admire the corsican nature too well to fear you 我正要舉手發誓。不必了,他說道,我了解科西嘉人,而且也很喜歡科西嘉人,我就依賴這一點!