
corsica n.科西嘉(島)〔法國〕。


They were within fifteen miles of monte cristo when the sun began to set behind corsica , whose mountains appeared against the sky , showing their rugged peaks in bold relief ; this mass of rock , like the giant adamastor , rose dead ahead , a formidable barrier , and intercepting the light that gilded its massive peaks so that the voyagers were in shadow 當他們離基督山只有十五哩的時候,太陽開始沉落到科西嘉的后面,科西嘉的群山在天空的襯托下劃出明晰輪廓,雄勁地呈現出崢嶸的山峰。這座大巖山象巨人亞達麥斯脫似的氣勢洶洶地俯視著小船,遮住了太陽,而太陽又染紅了它的山巔。

“ monte cristo although uninhabited , yet serves occasionally as a refuge for the smugglers and pirates who come from corsica , sardinia , and africa , and if it becomes known that we have been there , we shall have to perform quarantine for six days on our return to leghorn . “就是,基督山雖然沒有人在上面住,但偶爾也被走私販子和海盜用作避難所,他們都是從科西嘉撒丁,或是非洲來的。假如有人告我們曾到過那兒,那么我們回到里窩那的時候,就得上檢疫所扣留六天。 ”

As for franz , he remained at florence , and after having passed a few days in exploring the paradise of the cascine , and spending two or three evenings at the houses of the florentine nobility , he took a fancy into his head having already visited corsica , the cradle of bonaparte to visit elba , the waiting - place of napoleon 而弗蘭茲則留在佛羅倫薩。在這兒過了幾天以后,他去過那家叫卡西諾的俱樂部,并且在佛羅倫薩的幾家貴族家里過了兩三個夜晚,在他訪問了波拿巴的搖籃科西嘉以后,他忽然想去訪問一下拿破侖的監禁地厄爾巴島。

If you know corsica , laetitia will tell you , then you know her . dominique casta was raised on the rugged corsican coast until his family moved to normandy when he was still a boy . it was there , years later , that he met and married , laetitia s mother , line , normandy born and raised 1993年夏天, 15歲的莉苔希婭考斯特laetitia casta和她的父母在科西嘉島的盧米奧lumio的海灘上旅游,結果被麥迪遜代理公司的一個出版商發現,他給了她的父母一張名片, laetitia也懇求父母讓她去當模特,不久, laetitia casta的父母把她送上了這條道路。

Nobody knows better than yourself that the bandits of corsica are not rogues or thieves , but purely and simply fugitives , driven by some sinister motive from their native town or village , and that their fellowship involves no disgrace or stigma ; for my own part , i protest that , should i ever go to corsica , my first visit , ere even i presented myself to the mayor or prefect , should be to the bandits of colomba , if i could only manage to find them ; for , on my conscience , they are a race of men i admire greatly . “哎,那件事有什么可大驚小怪的呢?誰都沒有你知道得更清楚啦,科西嘉強盜并不是流氓或賊,而純粹是為親友復仇才被本鄉趕出來的亡命者,和他們交朋友沒什么見不得人的因為以我自己而論,我可以明目張膽地說,假如我一旦去訪問科西嘉,那么我在拜訪總督或縣長之前,一定先去拜訪一下哥倫白的強盜,當然要是我能設法和他們相會的話。我覺得他們是很有趣的。 ”

Beyond sicily , where the allies landed in july 1943 , the americans favored taking sardinia and corsica and invading southern france , as a diversionary measure when the main effort was to be a cross - channel attack from england ; it seemed unlikely that a march up the italian peninsula , after taking sicily , would knock out italy as a belligerent 1943年7月盟軍在西西里登陸之后,美國人傾向于占領撒丁島和科西嘉島,然后進入法國南部,從而,當盟軍主力從英格蘭出發進行跨海峽進攻時,可以牽制德軍;所以,在占領西西里之后,盟軍就不大可能沿著意大利半島揮師北上,并擊敗交戰國意大利。

When i was at rogliano everything went on properly , but no sooner was my back turned than benedetto became master , and everything went ill . when he was only eleven , he chose his companions from among the young men of eighteen or twenty , the worst characters in bastia , or , indeed , in corsica , and they had already , for some mischievous pranks , been several times threatened with a prosecution 當我在洛格里亞諾的時候,一切還好,但只要我一離開,貝尼代托便成了一家之主,一切便都亂了套,當他才十一歲的時候,他就喜歡混在十八九歲的孩子們中玩了,而且選中的伙伴都是巴斯蒂亞甚至科西嘉最壞的孩子,他們已經鬧過不少惡作劇,好多次有人恐嚇控告他們。

The very name assumed by his host of monte cristo and again repeated by the landlord of the h ? tel de londres , abundantly proved to him that his island friend was playing his philanthropic part on the shores of piombino , civita - vecchio , ostia , and gaeta , as on those of corsica , tuscany , and spain ; and further , franz bethought him of having heard his singular entertainer speak both of tunis and palermo , proving thereby how largely his circle of acquaintances extended 倫敦旅館的老板也曾提到基督山他那位東道主的化名,他覺得單是這一個名字就足以證明他那位島上的朋友的博愛行為不但遍及科西嘉,托斯卡納和西班牙沿岸,而且還同樣的遍及皮昂比諾,契維塔韋基亞,奧斯尼斯和巴勒莫,這可以證明他的交游范圍是多么的廣大。

The sea , smooth as crystal , was now and then disturbed by the leaping of fish , which were pursued by some unseen enemy and sought for safety in another element ; while on the extreme verge of the horizon might be seen the fishermen s boats , white and graceful as the sea - gull , or the merchant vessels bound for corsica or spain 海面光滑得象玻璃一樣,只是偶爾被一條為了躲避敵人的追捕跳出海面來尋求安全的魚暫時擾亂了它的寧靜從地平線遠望,那些船象海鷗一樣白,那樣姿態優美,可以看見回到馬地古去的漁艇和開赴科西嘉或西班牙的商船。

Anxious as you may suppose i was to behold and comfort my dear sister , i lost no time in hastening to corsica , but when i arrived at rogliano i found a house of mourning , the consequences of a scene so horrible that the neighbors remember and speak of it to this day 您大概想象得到,我出獄后急于想去探望和安慰我那親愛的嫂嫂,于是便不再浪費時間,馬上回科西嘉去了,但當我到達洛格里亞諾的時候,我發覺那所屋子里在辦喪事,那兒曾發生過一幕極其可怕的事情,鄰居們到今天都還記得它,并一直在談論它。

“ so much the better . as villefort observes , it is a great act of folly to have left such a man between corsica , where he was born , and naples , of which his brother - in - law is king , and face to face with italy , the sovereignty of which he coveted for his son . 正如維爾福所說的,把這樣一個人留在現在那個地方真是太蠢了,那兒一邊靠近科西嘉他出生的地方,一邊靠近那勒斯他妹夫在那兒做國王的地方,而對面就是意大利,他曾垂涎過那兒的主權,還想使他兒子做那兒的國王呢。 ”

But it was not upon corsica , the very houses of which he could distinguish ; or on sardinia ; or on the island of elba , with its historical associations ; or upon the almost imperceptible line that to the experienced eye of a sailor alone revealed the coast of genoa the proud , and leghorn the commercial , that he gazed 他所注視的地方,既不是那房屋隱約可辨的科西嘉島,也不是撒丁島,也不是那富有歷史意義的厄爾巴島,也不是延伸到無際的那一條隱隱約約的線條,只有水手老練的目光才能知道它是壯麗的熱那亞和商業繁榮的里窩那。

One day , when benedetto was about five or six , our neighbor vasilio , who , according to the custom of the country , never locked up his purse or his valuables - for , as your excellency knows , there are no thieves in corsica - complained that he had lost a louis out of his purse ; we thought he must have made a mistake in counting his money , but he persisted in the accuracy of his statement 貝尼代托大約五六歲的時候,有一天我們的鄰居華西里奧抱怨說他的錢袋里少一個路易,按照當地的風俗,人們是從不不把錢袋或貴重物品鎖起來的,因為,大人們都知道,科西嘉是沒有賊的,開始我們以為他一定是數錢時數錯了,但他卻堅持說一點沒數錯。

Some insisted she was making for corsica , others the island of elba ; bets were offered to any amount that she was bound for spain ; while africa was positively reported by many persons as her intended course ; but no one thought of monte cristo 有些人堅持說它是到科西嘉島去的,有些人則堅持說是厄爾巴島。有些人打賭說它一定到西班牙去,而有些人則固執地以為它是到非洲去的。

S knew it , and had often passed it , situated twenty - five miles from pianosa , between corsica and the island of elba , and had once touched there . this island was , always had been , and still is , completely deserted 神甫不知道基督山島在什么地方,但唐太斯卻知道,而且常常經過那個地方,甚至還曾上去過一次,它離皮亞諾扎只有二十五哩,在科西嘉島和厄爾巴島之間。

The ministry also told roy - henry he must seek the agreement of napoleon ' s descendants , some of whom live in italy and the emperor ' s birthplace of corsica , to provide a dna sample before the case can proceed further 國防部還告訴羅伊亨利說,他必須求得一些居住在意大利和其出生地-科西嘉島的拿破侖后裔們的同意,請求他們為進一步的測試提供dna樣本。

The ministry also told roy - henry he must seek the agreement of napoleon ' s descendants , some of whom live in italy and the emperor ' s birthplace of corsica , to provide a dna sample before the case can proceed further 國防部還告訴羅伊?亨利說,他必須求得一些居住在意大利和其出生地- -科西嘉島的拿破侖后裔們的同意,請求他們為進一步的測試提供dna樣本。

Franz was sitting on the spot where he was on the previous evening when his mysterious host had invited him to supper ; and he saw the little yacht , now like a sea - gull on the wave , continuing her flight towards corsica 弗蘭茲坐在前一天晚上他那位神秘的東道主來邀他去用晚餐的地方,看到那艘小游艇現在象是一只在海面上的海鷗,繼續向科西嘉飛去。

I was compelled , at this period , to leave corsica on an important expedition ; i reflected for a long time , and with the hope of averting some impending misfortune , i resolved that benedetto should accompany me 而當時又不得不離開科西嘉去作一次長途跋涉,我考慮了很久,最后決定帶貝尼代托一起去,希望借此來避免一場臨近的災禍。