
corset n.(常 pl.)女服胸衣;【醫學】胸衣。 a cors...


Carmela was attired like a woman of sonnino . her cap was embroidered with pearls , the pins in her hair were of gold and diamonds , her girdle was of turkey silk , with large embroidered flowers , her bodice and skirt were of cashmere , her apron of indian muslin , and the buttons of her corset were of jewels 她的帽子上繡著珍珠,她的金發針上嵌著鉆石,她的腰帶是土耳其綢做的,上面繡著幾朵大花,她的短衫和裙子是克什米爾呢子做的,她的圍裙是印度麻紗的,她胸衣上的紐子都是大粒的珍珠。

“ titanic “ actress kate winslet has revealed how she had to squeeze into figure - hugging corsets to stop herself looking overweight on the set of her latest movie “ enigma 《泰坦尼克號》的女主角凱特?溫斯特雷透露,為了不讓觀眾在最新的影片《謎機》中看到一個超重的肥婆溫斯特雷,她不得不穿束腰緊身衣來作掩飾。

Gale said she appeared during dinner wearing a heavy corset , black fishnet stockings and at least a dozen balloons , which she invited delegates to pop as she danced 吉爾說,當時她穿著緊身胸衣、魚網絲襪,綁著十幾個氣球出現在餐會上,并在舞蹈中邀請與會代表戳破她身上的氣球。

Gale said she appeared during dinner wearing a heavy corset , black fishnet stockings and at least a dozen balloons , which she invited delegates to pop as she danced 吉爾說,當時她穿著緊身胸衣魚網絲襪,綁著十幾個氣球出現在餐會上,并在舞蹈中邀請與會代表戳破她身上的氣球。

A ? perhaps they ' re tucking their bustline into corsets so you can ' t see their figures , and covering up their hair with the powdered wig . does it matter 答:也許他們將他們的胸圍用緊身衣緊緊包住讓你看不出特徵,而且用擦粉的假發遮掩了他們的秀發,這很重要嗎

Anchor : and she looked great from the back . we can ' t see it from this picture , but she had these , you know , the wonderful little corset look in the back 她從后面看上去也很棒。從這張照片是看不出的,但你知道從后面可以看到她穿著很貼身的緊身胸衣。

This theater commercial makes fun of all the new products and ads like this one trying to sell a metal corset ( a girdle ) that won ' t rust 這支戲院廣告嘲諷了所有新的產品,而這支廣告則想要把不會生銹的金屬束腹推銷給客人。

The spice girl , who also won entrepreneur of the year , attended the london event dressed in a corset and pair of frilly knickers 辣妹身穿束腹緊身衣和鑲褶邊燈籠褲出席在倫敦舉辦的頒獎禮,她同時獲得“年度企業家”稱號。

Mistakes were disastrous . “ see that , “ joe said , holding up a filmy corset - cover that he could have crumpled from view in one hand “看見了吧, ”喬說,舉起一件極薄的胸衣背心,那東西團一團就可以藏在手心里。

Our registered trade mark “ guangcheng “ series include bra , fitness underwear , corset belt and lingerie set , etc 產品注冊商標“港城”系列有:文胸健美收腹褲健美緊身衣收腹帶內衣套裝等。

This laure was a lady of some fifty summers , whose swelling contours were tightly laced by belts and corsets 這個洛爾是一個年屆半百的人,體態臃腫,皮帶和胸衣緊緊地束在身上。

He felt the warmth of her body , the fragrance of scent , and heard the creaking of her corset as she moved 他聞到她的身軀的熱氣香水味,聽到她上身動彈時束腰發出? ?的響聲。

People who felt endowed with special powers could hardly adapt themselves to the corset of established faith 那些覺得自己被賦予特殊能力的人無法令自己受縛于正統的信仰。

Standard performance specification for women ' s and girls ' knitted and woven corset - girdle - combination fabrics 婦女及女孩用針織和機織緊身束腰胸衣織物的標準性能規范

The ladies like wear corset because they are think posture is important 女子喜歡穿嚴密地限制他們認為姿態是重要的。

Get those corsets laced properly 把衣帶綁妥當了

I ' m sorry , from where i sit , it ' s just a different kind of corset 對不起,以我的立場來看,只是束腹不同罷了

Where is your corset department 買胸衣的部門在哪里?

Victoria ? where are your corsets 維多利亞!你的胸衣呢?