
corselet n.胸甲,體甲;胸衣;(昆蟲的)前胸(部),(魚的)胸甲...


And she was wondrous stricken of heart for that evil hap and for his burial did him on a fair corselet of lamb s wool , the flower of the flock , lest he might perish utterly and lie akeled for it was then about the midst of the winter and now sir leopold that had of his body no manchild for an heir looked upon him his friend s son and was shut up in sorrow for his forepassed happiness and as sad as he was that him failed a son of such gentle courage for all accounted him of real parts so grieved he also in no less measure for young stephen for that he lived riotously with those wastrels and murdered his goods with whores 時值隆冬,伊惟恐亡兒凍僵,尸骨無存,遂以通稱為羊群之花的小羊羔毛制一精致胸衣,裹于兒身。利奧波德爵士失卻嗣子后,每當目睹友人之子,即懷念往日之幸福,遂沉浸于凄楚之中。悲的固然是與心地如此善良之子嗣永別眾人皆對彼之前途寄予厚望焉,亦同樣為青年斯蒂芬哀傷,蓋彼與諸蕩兒為伍,飲酒狂鬧,將財產糟踏在娼妓身上。

Matching the womans dress . choosing the corselet with 1 2 cup , the shoulder harness can be removed . in addition , it is suitable for matching the trousers with high waist or hit waist 3配襯連衣裙可選擇1 2杯肩帶可拆除的胸圍,加上高腰或中腰束褲最為適合,裙子必須加上底裙才可帶出線條,動態和立體美。

B . matching the suit . wearing the suit matched by the undershirt or underwear or long corselet with the long underpants , it can make the body curvaceous and charming 2配襯套裝穿著套裝時,以全身束衣或長胸圍加上長型束褲可以使曲線玲瓏,倍添嫵媚氣質。

Many of the figures in this set have the scale corselet , while some others wear a bronze cuirass , which is a reasonable response to the smaller shield 這盒里面的大部分人物穿著鱗甲,而其他人則穿戴一個青銅胸甲,這是由于盾牌變小的遠古。

It is suitable for wearing corselet with no seam or with whole cups 無縫胸圍或全杯的簡單設計最為適合。

B . the cup form of the corselet must be put in order 2胸圍更必須將罩杯形狀整理好。