
corsair n.1.私掠船。2.海盜,海盜船。


I attribute my being alive today because of the low level , ( 20 feet ) attacks on the chinese coming out of the chosin reservoir , by the corsairs . thanks for that picture 我能活到今天,多虧了海盜式飛機對在長津水庫出現的中國人的超低空( 20英尺以內)打擊。

All in all , it didn ' t feel worthy of being both the corsair and the scout ' s replacement 說到底,我覺得它做不了前代海盜船和巡邏機的接班人。

Know that i doat on corsairs ; and for that reason , sing it con spirito 你知道我喜歡海盜們,因此你要唱得con spirito ” 。

Here then is a corsair - song “這里有一首海盜歌。

But the corsairs weren t the only pirates profiting at the time 但是,海盜并不是當時惟一的盜賊。

A fleet of corsair ships sails from the south 有一支海盜的艦隊正從南方駛來

A fleet of corsairs ships sails from the south 有一支海盜的艦隊正從南方駛來