
corsage n.(女服的)胸部,腰身;胸衣;〔美國〕女服腰部或肩部的...


Yiwu olan ornaments factory in black city europe is a foundation in 2001 , owning employee s more than 200 personseses currently , is the professional factory house that produces a silk stockings flower , silk stockings craft butterfly , the silk stockings craft headdress . the my plant pays attention to the development work of the new sample very , through many years of abundant devotion product became a silk stockings craft butterfly , the etc . various insect imitate to living series , corsage series , headdress series , christmas gift series , dress accessories etc . the product is used for clothing , shoe industry , decoration combination etc . extensively by many factory houses 中國義烏市歐蘭飾品廠是創立于2001年,目前擁有員工200余人,是生產絲襪花絲襪工藝蝴蝶天使翅膀絲襪工藝頭飾的專業廠家。本廠十分注重新樣品的開發工作,經過多年的豐富投入產品形成了絲襪工藝蝴蝶蜻蜒等各種昆蟲的仿生系列胸花系列頭飾系列圣誕禮品系列服飾配件等。產品被眾廠家廣泛用于服裝鞋業飾品組合等。

And then he describes to me what happened after that , how he bent down and kissed her breasts , and how , after he had kissed them fervidly , he stuffed them back into her corsage , or whatever it is they call these things 接著他向我描繪后來發生的事情?他怎樣俯身親吻她的乳房,怎樣在熱烈吻過它們以后又把它們塞進胸衣里去,總之就是塞進那玩藝兒里去不管她們叫它什么。

The years wentby , and one dayicame again to olsen s flower shop . nothing had changed . old man olsen was making a corsage of gardenias , just as he used todo 幾年后,有一天我重返奧爾森的花店。一切如舊。奧爾森老頭還像當年那樣正在扎著供胸前佩戴的一束梔子花。

We are gonna have hair maker gonna bathroom and i had to move a couple of things in the fridge to make room for the corsages 我們得把那些弄頭發的搬到洗手間我還得在冰箱里騰點空間出來放那些點心

B : yes , it is divided into several sections : overwear , light clothing , hosiery , swimwear , corsage and so on 對啊!還能分成很多個分支,比如,套裝,便裝,針織,泳裝,胸衣等多個行業。

Yes , it is divided into several sections : overwear , light clothing , hosiery , swimwear , corsage and so on 對啊!還能分成很多個分支,比如,套裝,便裝,針織,泳裝,胸衣等多個行業。

A bronze sequinned corsage , pinned on a black top , was teamed with a bronze sequinned skirt 如別著一朵綴有青銅色金屬亮片的胸花的黑色上衣,跟綴有青銅色金屬亮片的裙子相搭配。

Provides city - wide delivery of bouquets , arrangements , hampers , corsages and gifts . includes catalogue and online ordering -提供花束花籃盆栽果籃等香港區內送貨服務。

Name : corsage flower 名稱:胸花

Sort : corsage flower 類別:胸花

Make sure you get me a small - size corsage , and it must be yellow 你一定要幫我弄到一個小號的胸花而且得是黃色的喔。

How did you know that i love red roses and that i prefer a wrist corsage 你怎么知道我喜歡紅玫瑰和戴在手上的花環?

The corsage on my prom date either 把胸針別上去

Corsage ? . what is this , a prom ? 胸衣?這是什么?舞會?

No . but maybe ryan could bring you one instead of a corsage 不知道,不過ryan給你帶一束花來不是更好嗎?

Stay right here . i ' ll get your corsage 等一下,我去拿你的胸衣

I wouldn ' t have breakfast if i knew this gonna be corsages 如果我早知道有點心吃我就不吃這早餐了

Hey , you wanna come in for a drink and buy the corsage 嗨,你想不想來喝一杯再去買一些吃的?

I mean tuxedos , corsages , the limousines 我是說燕尾服,小花束,豪華禮車