
corruption n.1.腐敗,墮落,敗壞;惡化;貪污,舞弊,賄賂。2.(...


In contrast stands a record of fraud and corruption in high places during the brief harding regime unparalleled since the grant era . 而哈定短命政權中的高級官吏們舞弊和貪污的記錄,則是格蘭特時代以來所未有的。

The struggle for economic growth encountered more than the well advertised obstacles of ignorance, disease, corruption and inertia . 爭取經濟增長所遇到的困難,遠遠超過大家所熟知的愚昧,疾病,腐敗和惰性。

Have i been a briber of votes? --a buyer of boroughs? the agent of corruption for any purpose, or on behalf of any party ? 我曾經賄選過嗎?我曾經收買過市民嗎?曾因任何目的或為任何黨派而營私舞弊過嗎?

By exposing the shame and corruption of american public life the muckrakers fired the righteous indignation of the middle classes . 黑幕揭發者由于揭露美國社會生活中的恥辱和腐敗激起了中產階級的義憤。

These early efforts were often marked by corruption and economic disaster, yet more were successes than failures . 最初,在做這些工作時,往往貪污盛行,在經濟上造成災難,但畢竟是成功的多,失敗的少。

This system too is open to corruption because of the necessary level of discretion on the part of the officials . 這種制度也為行賄貪污敞開了方便之門,因為它要求官員具有必要的判斷水平。

In a calm historian's tone, he proceeded to sketch for his friend some pictures of the corruption which was rife abroad . 他用史學家一般平靜的語調,給朋友描述了國外腐化成風的情景。

His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated, but they had a tremendous impact . 他對金融界腐化的揭發是過分渲染和高度夸張的,但確曾產生巨大影響。

Like a huguenot imagining rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness and corruption . 就象胡格教徒心目中的羅馬城一樣,他幻想了一幅淫亂,墮落,腐化的圖畫。

Batista was keeping himself in power only by a mounting use of repression, corruption and violence . 巴蒂斯塔只是靠著越來越頻繁地使用鎮壓,行賄和暴力來維持其統治。

Does not corruption of men in high places eat into your heart and exhaust your spirits ? 達官貴人們的敗壞難道沒有腐蝕到你的心,使你情緒低落嗎?

Corruption was inevitable so long as businessmen wanted exemption from equitable taxation . 只要企業人員逃避公平稅收,貪污行賄就不可避免。

The newspaper exposes corruption in high places without being tamed by their arbitrariness . 這家報紙揭露了上層的腐敗,他們沒有懾于淫威。

We have paid a little attention to noise and to other sources of corruption of the data . 我們附帶討論了噪聲和其他引起資料畸變因素。

In its most general sense, corruption means the perversion or abandonment . 就其最一般的意義上說,舞弊就是墮落,就是背離準則。

In its latter days it was a byword for authoritarianism, incompetence, and corruption . 在后期,它是獨裁、無能和腐化的代號。

His revelations of financial corruption were lurid and highly exaggerated . 他對金融界腐化的揭發是過份渲染和高度夸張的。

The local government has started a movement to stamp out corruption among its staff . 地方政府發動了一場運動來清除腐敗。

You have gone from corruption to corruption, and now you have culminated in crime . 你不斷地墮落,最后終于發展到犯罪。