
corrode vt.腐蝕,侵蝕;漸漸消滅。vi.腐蝕。


Experimental study and theoretical analysis of shear strength of corroded r . c . members 銹蝕鋼筋混凝土構件抗剪承載力的試驗研究與理論分析

Corroded by oil 受油腐蝕

Uranium is chemically active , which is extremely corroded in many environments 金屬鈾具有高化學活性,在許多環境中極易發生氧化腐蝕。

The shear carrying capacity of the corroded rc structural elements is investigated 對銹蝕鋼筋混凝土梁的斜截面抗剪承載力進行了研究。

Study on strength of concrete corroded by salt based on bp artificial neural network 人工神經網絡在鹽害侵蝕混凝土強度分析中的應用

S n curves for lc4cs aluminum alloy and 30crmnsini2a steel pre - corroded in atmospheric environment 鋼在大氣環境預腐蝕后的疲勞曲線

The furniture should be of smooth , hard material not liable to warp or corrode 家具應使用光滑、堅硬、不易變形和腐蝕的材料制作。

Image analysis of lc4cs aluminum alloy sample corroded acceleratively in simulated environment 鋁合金模擬加速腐蝕試樣的圖像分析

Corroded expansion force of reinforced concrete members and its influence factors 鋼筋混凝土構件的均勻鋼筋銹脹力及其影響因素

Acid corroding metal 酸腐蝕的金屬

Checking and measuring to the chemical corroding resistance of glazes of domestic ceramics 日用陶瓷器釉面耐化學腐蝕性的測定

Flexural strength of roof plates with corroding reinforcement and deteriorating concrete 鋼筋銹蝕與砼破損后屋面板的彎曲強度

Reliability - based service life prediction of steel - corroded concrete structures 基于可靠度的銹蝕鋼筋混凝土結構使用壽命預測

Tank never corrodes with german import pvc material , it is more convenient to wash 水槽采用德國進口pvc材料制造,永不腐蝕。

Shear strength and intellective analysis of reinforced concrete beams corroded by seawater 海水腐蝕梁抗剪強度及其智能分析

Application and research of carbon fiber in strengthening corroded reinforced concrete structure 加固混凝土結構的研究現狀

The bond strength between corroded deformed bars and concrete is studied 對銹蝕變形鋼筋與混凝土之間的粘結力進行了研究。

The steel plates may have been corroded , in which case they must be replaced 鋼板可能腐蝕了,在這樣的情況下,就得換掉。

Acid causes metal to corrode 酸會腐蝕金屬