
corroborative adj.1.確定的,證實的。2.滋補的。n.強狀劑,滋補...


It was quite evident , by her manner , that her uneasiness was not feigned ; and franz himself could not resist a feeling of superstitious dread - so much the stronger in him , as it arose from a variety of corroborative recollections , while the terror of the countess sprang from an instinctive belief , originally created in her mind by the wild tales she had listened to till she believed them truths 從伯爵夫人的態度上看,她的不安顯然并不是裝出來的,而且弗蘭茲自己也禁不住感到了一種迷信的恐懼,只不過他的恐懼更為強烈,因為那是從種種確實的回憶變化而來的,而伯爵夫人的恐懼只是出于一種本能的感覺而已。

So martin went on into a thorough study of evolution , mastering more and more the subject himself , and being convinced by the corroborative testimony of a thousand independent writers 于是他繼續研究進化論,要把它徹底弄懂。他對這個問題越來越精通,許許多多獨立的作者的旁證更使他堅信不疑。

The basic function of impeachment system is the compensatory function of remedies , the oriental function of supervise and the corroborative function of balance 彈劾制度的功能主要體現為:救濟的填補功能、監督的指向功能和制衡的補強功能。

Examination provides corroborative data . 檢查則提供確證的資料。