
corroboration n.加強,堅固,堅定;確定,證實。 in corrobo...


With the system of criminal trial in china is being changed from inquisitional into adversary , to perfect discovery system has become an urgent problem to be solved therefore , this article explores rule of corroboration in rule of evidence and is to benefit legislation and practice 隨著我國刑事庭審方式由法官主導的審問制向控辯雙方的對抗制的轉變,完善證據規則已經成為我國刑事訴訟中亟待解決的問題。故此,本文就證據規則中的補強證據規則進行了探討,以資有益于立法和實踐。

The important content of rule of corroboration involves in incompletely provable value of evidence , which is object of rule of corroboration . after generalizing the difference between the common law system and the continent law system , this article comments on its historical cause of formation . furthermore , the author puts forward the object and the definition of rule of corroboration 對證明力不完全的證據(即補強證據規則的對象)的界定是補強證據規則的重要內容,本文在對兩大法系補強證據規則對象的差異簡要概述之后,對其成因作了評析,并進而提出了筆者對補強證據規則對象的界定以及對補強證據規則的定義。

At one time she had almost resolved on applying to him , but the idea was checked by the awkwardness of the application , and at length wholly banished by the conviction that mr . darcy would never have hazarded such a proposal if he had not been well assured of his cousin s corroboration 她一度幾乎下定了決心要去問他,但是問起這件事不免又要有多少別扭,想到這里,她便把這個主意暫時擱了下來。后來她又想到,如果達西拿不準他表弟的話會和他自己完全一致,那他決不會冒冒失失提出這樣一個建議,于是她就干脆打消了這個主意。

Construction of male sterility expression vector by integration of artificial sense and antisense cdnas of hsp70 into puc18 and puc19 respectively , we can obtain psc and pac . tapertal specific expression promoter ta29 and terminator nos are connected directionally with sense and antisense cdnas of hsp70 extrected and purified from psc and pac . , then integrated into puc18 and puc19 , by which we can build sense and antisense cdna nos ( respectively named plasmid 650 and plasmid 651 ) of ta29 - hsp70 . for the sake of better screening and examination of transformed gene , we cut plasmid 650 , plasmid 651 and 3301 ( containing gusgene bar screening marker gene ) with hindiii and ecor i enzymes , then connect purified fragments of 650and 651 with plasmid 3301 to construct the vector 3301 + 650 and 3301 + 651 . corroboration of whether sense and antisense cdna - nos is integrated into plasmid3301 can be made by plate screening and enzye - cutting analysis 分別將從psc 、 pac回收純化的hsp70正、反義cdna與絨氈層特異表達啟動子ta29及nos終止子定向連接,然后插入到puc18 、 puc19中,構建成花藥特異表達的ta29 - hsp70sensecdna - nos和ta29 - hsp70antisensecdna - nos ,分別稱作650和651質粒。為了更好地對轉化子進行篩選和檢測,用hind和ecor分別對650 、 651及3301質粒(含gus報告基因和bar篩選標記基因)進行酶切,將從650和651回收純化的目的片段與3301質粒進行連接,再對重組子進行平板篩選和酶切分析確定ta29 - hsp70sensecdna - nos和ta29 - hsp70antisensecdna - nos插入到3301質粒中,構建成3301 + 650和3301 + 651表達載體。

The preface of this article is mainly concerned with the meaning of rule of corroboration and analyses the difference between the common law system and the continent law system . it points out rule of corroboration is the rule that when some kinds of legal evidence are incomplete , there require that other evidence assure its reality 文中指出,補強證據規則就是法律規定的幾類言詞證據證明力不完全(證明力由法律明文限制)而要求要有其它的證據予以增強證明力、擔保其真實性的證據規則。

Beginning with setting forth origination , basis in theory of law and characteristic of rule of corroboration , it explores emphatically the content of the rule in which the meaning , scope , ability of evidence , provable value of corroboration and the range objects of rule of corroboration are elaborated 文章首先對補強證據規則的歷史起源、確立的法理依據和補強證據規則的特征進行了簡要的闡述,接著著重對補強證據規則的內容進行了探討。其中對補強證據的含義、范圍、證據能力、證明力以及補強證據規則的適用范圍和對象都作了詳細的論述。

On the summary of the aboard technology policy in traffic fields and urban traffic problems , the dissertation draws into the urban tdm theory , makes comparatively detailed corroboration and analysis of the conception - connotation , fundamental theories , abroad practice and evaluation , puts forward the tourism traffic planning based on tdm theory which combines with the present tourism transportation problems and the demand - supply analysis of the scenic spot on urban fringe 論文在對國外城市交通領域的技術政策和我國城市交通問題分析總結的基礎上,引入了城市交通需求管理( tdm )理論,對其概念內涵、基礎理論、國外實踐及應用評價進行了較詳細的闡述和分析,結合我國的旅游交通現狀問題和城緣風景名勝區的旅游交通需求供應分析,提出了基于tdm的旅游交通規劃理論。

In this article , author constructs the content and specific items of the rule of corroboration in our country , and brings forward how to handle testimony of accomplice , and points out mechanism of assurance of procedure and problem that should be noticed in practice 文中,筆者構建了我國補強證據規則的內容體系以及具體的規則條款,提出了共同被告人及共犯異案被告人供述適用補強證據規則的設想,并指出了程序上的保障機制以及實施中應當注意的問題。

Finally , it discusses the relations between voluntary and corroboration of testimony of the accused , and it points out that the voluntary and corroboration have their basis in theory of law each other , but they have some connections 文章最后說明了被告人供述任意性與補強性二者之間的關系,指出任意性與補強性二者的法理基礎各不相同,但二者又有相當的聯系。

Every possible scientific discipline is ransacked for potential connections with and corroborations of theoretical postulates of how to expand the possibilities of sound itself and its theoretically limitless arrangements , compositionally speaking 搜尋每處科學的領域,為探索擴張聲音的可能性,及其理論上無限可能的安排, (作曲說法) ;求證其理論性公理

Mr . cruncher had no particular meaning in these sulky corroborations , but made use of them , as people not unfrequently do , to express general ironical dissatisfaction 克朗徹先生這一番懊惱的確證之詞,其實并無特別的意思,只不過用它的冷嘲熱諷發點牢騷罷了一般人也并非不常這么做的。

Rule of corroboration is an important rule in system of evidence , which is a stipulation that definitely provable value of kinds of evidence 補強證據規則是證據制度中的一項重要規則,是法律對幾類言詞證據明確限制其證明力的法則。

“ i ' ve neither taken any nor found any , “ she said , as i toiled to them , expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement “我沒拿什么,也沒找到什么, ”她說著攤開她的雙手證明自己的話,那時我已經向他們走去。

I ve neither taken any nor found any , she said , as i toiled to them , expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement “我沒拿什么,也沒找到什么, ”她說,攤開她的雙手證明自己的話,那時我已經向他們走去。

This corroboration of the lesson he had just received put the finishing stroke to the wonder and stupefaction of m . baptistin 巴浦斯汀先生剛才所受的教訓經這一番證實他嚇呆了。

The third chapter discusses the rule of corroboration and its improvement in china criminal procedure 第三章對我國補強證據規則及其完善進行了論述。這是本文的重點。

A new corroboration of communications west of mt . jin and the route of yelu dashi ' s western campaign 金山以西交通與耶律大石西征路線新證

If so , you can supply additional corroboration or helpful information to 如果有,您可以提供確認或者幫助資訊到

The first chapter explores basic theory of rule of corroboration 第一章探討了補強證據規則的基礎理論。