
corroborate vt.1.使(信仰等)堅定,使鞏固;使加強。2.確定,證...


And , indeed , the little note and pin upon the table confirmed , or rather corroborated , the sad truth . andrea had fled 的確,桌子上的那張小紙條和夾針證實,或者不妨說,應驗了他那句話的正確性。

This paper ' s econometric analysis of household level panel data from china largely corroborates these theoretical propositions 本文利用面板數據的計量分析在很大程度上證明了后悔效應的存在。

Firstly , because we can ’ t corroborate the party ’ s inner will , we can ’ t tell the declaration of will is true or false 首先,我們無法確證當事人的內心意思,從而無法判斷意思表示的真假。

Generally speaking , the more witnesses that corroborate an event in its essentials , the more sure the proof is considered to be 一般來說,越多的證人證明某一事件,證據就越會被考慮成立。

Giventhe short period of follow - up in the research , the effect of thetreatment on survival rates could not be corroborated 研究跟蹤報道接受舒尼替尼短期治療后尚未發現能提高患者生存率。

No ; it was a sense that , despite her love , as corroborated by izz s admission , the facts had not changed 都不是他是這樣想的,固然不錯,像伊茨說的那樣,她很愛他,但是事實并沒有改變。

Gien the short period of follow - up in the research , the effect of the treatment on surial rates could not be corroborated 研究跟蹤報道接受舒尼替尼短期治療后尚未發現能提高患者生存率。

Those calculations have been corroborated by measurements of primordial hydrogen , helium and lithium in the universe 那些計算結果已經由對宇宙最初階段氫、氦及鋰含量的觀測所確認。

But large , long - term studies have mostly failed to corroborate initial signs of the cancer - fighting powers of produce 然而各種長期的大型研究,大多無法證實蔬果有絲毫的抗癌功效。

Further evidence will be necessary to corroborate and reproduce these effects with diagnostic head - up tilt table testing 需要進行更多的研究以確證和再現直立傾斜試驗的診斷價值。

Further eidence will be necessary to corroborate and reproduce these effects with diagnostic head - up tilt table testing 需要進行更多的研究以確證和再現直立傾斜試驗的診斷價值。

We say corroborated , because the brigadier was too experienced to be convinced by a single proof 我們說應驗,是因為那位憲兵團長經驗豐富,決不肯只見到一件證據就深信不疑。

The onus is on the applicant to corroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application 申請人有責任保證支持申請的任何證明的可靠性。

But because we live in an age of science , we have a preoccupation with corroborating our myths 但是,因為我們活在科學的時代,所以總是想證實神話的真實性。

This finding corroborates the link between the merger process and the formation of globulars 這項發現確認了星系融合過程與球狀星團形成之間的關聯。

The validity of methods presented above are all well corroborated by substantive experiments 經實驗驗證,以上技術和方法都取得了較好的效果。

Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished to corroborate efficacy 在更高的目種的附加的評價必須被完成贊助效驗。

That s right , the old tarpaulin corroborated . the irish catholic peasant “說得對, ”老水手證實道, “篤信天主教的愛爾蘭農民。

These conclusions were all got corroborate mutually in every kind of analysis 這些結論在各種分析中都得到了相互的印證。