
corridor n.【建筑】走廊;通路;【筑城】覆道。 corridor...


In the corridor , i met the count on his way back 在走廊里我遇到了回包廂的伯爵。

And they were all sitting around in the big corridor .他們都在大走廊里無所事事

Island eastern corridor from chai wan to sai ying pun 由柴灣至西營盤的東區走廊

Several questions on the research of zang yi corridor 藏彝走廊研究中的幾個問題

Go along the corridor and turn left at the corner 沿著走廊走,在拐角處向左轉。

I glimpsed a figure when i passed the corridor 當我經過走廊時,我看見一個人影。

She pattered along ( the corridor ) in her bare feet 她赤著腳輕快地走過(走廊)

The width of ecological corridor in landscape planning 景觀規劃中的生態廊道寬度

( memory , as of the end of the corridor do not see 記憶,像條看罘到盡頭?走廊。

The last room on the left of the corridor looked to levchenko like a museum of espionage equipment, some of which he had never seen before . 樓道左邊最后的一間房間,在列夫欽科看來,它象是一個間諜裝備的博物館,里面有些東西他從來沒有見過。

Before the signing, andrew had talked with john rowe in the corridor outside his wife's room and the young husband reacted eagerly . 簽字之前,安德魯同約翰羅在他妻子病房外面的走廊里談了話,這位年輕丈夫的反應十分熱切。

After entering the narrow gap on the plateau , they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor . 他們進入了那個高原上的小裂口之后,沿著陡峭的洞穴斜坡向下爬去,一直來到一條狹窄的走廊。

As he came across the rotunda floor from his corridor he was struck by the evident youth of aileen, even though he could not see her face . 當他從他的走廊穿過園廳地板時,雖然看不清她的面孔,他被愛玲迫人的青春所震動了。

During the winter, the gossip began to swirl out from the clubs and the whitehall corridors that lord gilbey was “getting past it“ . 冬天,開始從各個俱樂部和白廳街的走廊里傳出謠言,說吉爾貝勛爵的位子要“出缺”了。

After the temporary suspension of traffic in the mediterranean, our shipping soon moved again through this invaluable corridor . 在地中海的交通經過短期的中斷后,我們的船只不久重新通過這個寶貴的走廊而來往。

After entering the narrow gap on the plateau, they climbed down the steep sides of the cave until they came to a narrow corridor . 在進入高地上的狹窄洞口后,他們順著陡峭的洞壁往下爬,來到一個狹窄的通道。

As she arrived a great roar from the crowds in smith square, and everyone inside came into the corridor to greet her . 她一到,史密斯廣場的人群爆發出一片歡呼聲,屋里的人都紛紛跑到走廊里向她表示敬意。

Inside that massive frame the human being rattled in the corridors like a dry kernel . 在這個碩大無朋的空殼子里,人們象干果核一樣在走廊里發出嘩啷嘩啷的聲音。

In the hospital the women in green cotton dresses wandered in the corridors on soft shoes . 在醫院里,身穿綠色棉布衣服,腳穿軟底便鞋的女人在走廊上蕩來蕩去。