
corresponsive adj.〔古語〕= corresponding.


On the basis of following this academic logic and deeper research , we put forward that the chinese regional politics and economics is a rising subject corresponsive to the international regional politics and economics , which is not yet in existence and waits to be touched 在遵循這一學術邏輯不斷深入展開的基礎上,我們提出,中國區域政治經濟學是與國際區域政治經濟學相對應的一門新興學科。目前,國際區域政治經濟學還不存在,還需要人們進一步去探索。中國區域政治經濟學則需要我們在有關學科的基礎上進一步探索、研究與創新。

The requirement analysis and system design are carried out according to the situation of nanjing sky electron co . ltd . at the same time , the key technology to solve the capability balance of the machine tool and scheduling system of the workshop production are studied , and a management model of the workshop production solved the corresponsive problem to finish the production task in time according to the current need in the enterprises 然后結合一個典型的制造業企業? ?南京四開電子企業有限公司進行了系統的需求分析和設計。接著研究了企業車間級生產計劃管理模型,提出了一種以按時交付為目標的機床生產能力平衡與車間級生產計劃的控制方法,并對其中需要解決的關鍵技術進行了研究和討論。

The factors for influencing development of world fishing vessels are fishing quantity of ocean , situation of fish resources fishery cultivation , convention of ocean law united nations and protect policy of resources for every country , because of variation of these factors , the quantity kinds , dimension for fishing vessels and fishing technique etc being adjusted corresponsively for problems which is in the present stage for development of fishing vessels corresponsive methods and the measures are suggested 摘要認為影響世界漁船發展的因素是海洋撲撈量、魚類資源情況、漁業養殖業、聯合國“海洋法公約”及各國資源保護政策等;這些因素的變化必然導致漁船在數量、種類、尺度及撲撈技術等方面做出相應的調整;針對現階段我國漁船發展所面臨的問題,給出相應的對策和具體的具體措施。

Cruise missile with many good qualities , such as wide uses , high precision , big power , small volume , doughty charge ability , speedy corresponsive ability , high function - cost proportion . because of the good qualities had by ballistic missile and plane , the cruise missile is a lethal weapon that constitute a weighty threat to enemy states in the modem war 巡航導彈具有用途廣、精度高、威力大、體積小、突防能力強、反應速度快、效費比高等特點,正是由于巡航導彈兼有彈道導彈和飛機的諸多優長,所以它便成了現代戰爭的“殺手锏” ,成為對敵方構成重大威脅的重要武器。

According to the analysis and comparison for existing wireless data traffics , a wireless bonding mode is adopted to realize mobile ticketing . the thesis also researches the safety issue on railway wireless ticketing system and put forwards the corresponsive solution . a series of safety techniques , for example data encryption , are adopted to ensure the safety of transaction between the wireless ticketing terminal and railway ticketing system 本論文圍繞無線接入技術展開討論,通過對現有無線數據業務的分析比較,確定無線接入方式,實現移動方式的鐵路售票系統;研究鐵路無線售票系統所面臨的安全問題并提出相應的解決方案,在軟硬件結構設計中采用了一系列安全技術,并輔以科學的管理方法,使無線售票系統具備一定的安全防護能力。

Traditional inheritance is not a burden of contemporary art , but the capital for progress and advance ; tradition and contemporary are not compatible to each other , but are complementary and corresponsive to each other 傳統的豐富資產不是當代藝術的包袱,而是進步、提升的資本;傳統與當代并不是?格不入的兩極,而是具有相容、相呼應的共通點。

By comparison of the corresponsive results of fem , the author discussed those valid application areas of the method presented in this paper 經過與有限元法的結果的對比,討論并給出了本文方法求解平面孔口問題的適用范圍。