
correspondent n.通信者;通訊員;【商業】外地客戶,外地代理店。 a ...


“ you fear to acknowledge that your correspondent his deceived you “你怕承認你的記者欺騙了你?

Customer : what ' s the good if we chose correspondent bank 顧客:選擇代理行對我們有什么好處?

Your correspondent had only touched upon the fringe of the matter 你的報導只談到了問題的邊緣

To become a war correspondent is my dream 成為隨軍記者是我的夢想。

“ sir , let me see my right - hand correspondent . “先生,現在讓我來看看我右邊的通訊員吧! ”

They are our hong kong correspondents 他們是我們派駐香港的通訊員。

The information below was compiled by our correspondent 以下資料是我們的記者收集整理的。

By a paris banker , my correspondent 巴黎的一個銀行家,我的業務伙伴。

Here is a report from our environment correspondent 以下是來自我們的環境特派員的報導。

“ sir , my right - hand correspondent is signalling . “先生,我右邊的通訊員在發信號啦。 ”

The result was correspondent with his expectation 結果與他預期的相符。

The information below was compiled by our correspondent 以下資料是我們的記者收集整理的

Luo chengyou : chief correspondent coming from fields 從田野上走來的首席記者

“ probably you have some correspondent in greece ? “您在希臘大概有來往的銀行吧? ”

Says the bbc ' s rome correspondent , david willey Bbc駐羅馬記者大衛威利說。

Our correspondent interviewed all those on the scene 本報記者訪問了所有在場的人。

“ more information has reached your correspondent 發生在斯皮達菲的那宗謀殺案

“ more information has reached your correspondent . . 發生在斯皮達菲的那宗謀殺案. .

I apologize for being such a bad correspondent 對不起,我實在是個懶寫信的人。