
correspond vi.1.相當(于),【數學】對應;與…一致,符合 (t...


The self-possession of that man had somehow induced a corresponding state in myself . 這個人鎮定自若,似乎使我也相應鎮定下來了。

These changes correspond in a way to the variations of the earth's gravity with latitude . 這些變化類似于地球重力隨緯度的變化。

This approach corresponds to much of the work done on urban-growth theory . 這一研究方法與對城市發展學說的許多研究工作相吻合。

It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames . 推導出適合于鋼架的類似步驟也是可能的。

I do not believe that any corresponding criticism of the piecemeal method can be offered . 我不相信能對漸進方法提出適當批評。

You will understand perfectly that i cannot at present correspond with your father . 你一定完全了解,我目前不能寫信給令尊。

The smallest characteristic value corresponds to the lowest natural angular frequency . 最小的特征值相當于最低固有角頻率。

The question arises here; does initiation correspond to pre-neoplasia ? 問題從這里提出:“始發階段”是否相當于瘤前病變?

There is an increase in production of 20% above that of the corresponding period of last year . 產量比去年同期增加20%。

A particular spectrum line corresponds to a certain definite light wavelength . 某特定的譜線就代表一個確定光的波長。

In general, transformation operators do not correspond to observables . 一般說來,變換算符沒有和它相對應的可觀測量。

The lower temperature corresponds to the plastic temperature of a certain coal . 較低的溫度相當于某些煤的塑性溫度。

The hall was reserved exclusively for resident or corresponding members . 大廳是專門為本地會員或著通訊會員準備的。

In general, transformation operators do not correspond to observables . 通常,變換算符沒有和它相對應的可觀測量。

The diurnal springs correspond to the semidiurnal neaps and vice versa . 全日潮大潮對應于半日潮小潮,反之亦然。

Its world line is tipped at the angle corresponding to the speed of light . 它的世界線傾斜的角度與光速相對應。

It is the distance between atoms corresponding to zero potential energy . 這就是相應于勢能為零時的原子間距。

This seems to have corresponded to his personality in private life . 這與他日常生活中表現出的個性是相符的。

Sectors of it represent corresponding fractions of a wavelength . 它的各個弧段則代表一個波長的相應分數。