
correlativity n.相互關系,相關(關系)。


The layer analysis model established in this thesis attempts to analyze the correlativity among the project objectives and sub - objectives , and quantify the effect to the objective system caused by the correlativity and the substitute schemes 論文中建立的層次分析模型嘗試分析項目各目標(子目標)之間的這種相關性,嘗試將這種相關性和項目替代方案對項目目標系統的影響進行量化。

By means of monitoring sediments of the grand canal ( hangzhou section ) , the correlativity between organic matter and eight heavy metals in sediment was discussed . then the easy sinking sequence of the eight metals was arranged 通過對京杭大運河(杭州段)底質的監測,探討了底質有機質與8種重金屬元素的相關性,并對其成因作出了解釋,得出了8種重金屬在運河(杭州段)底質中易積累的順序。

According to the response yield to water , five types of drought and yield reduction were defined , they are light moderate , heavy , serious heavy and ultra - heavy , and the spatio - temporal distribution of which and the correlativity between them in recent 40 years is analysed 根據產量對水分的響應,定義了五種干旱年型和減產年型,分別為輕、中、重、嚴重和極端嚴重。

Wth the target of measuring the external quality of tobacco leaf the color feature of tobacco leaf is detected , the correlativity of three paraxneters of rgb analyzed , a ng model based on color feature is builded up 煙葉自動分級系統以煙葉外觀質量檢測為目的,對煙葉的顏色特征進行檢測,分析顏色rgb三分量之間的相關關系,確定以顏色特征為依據的分級模型。

And then acceleration characteristic curve is concluded based acceleration track and point out its wave segment . combined with traffic accidents , the correlativity between accident and acceleration change is setup 然后,根據樣本路段的加速度軌跡圖,總結出彎坡銜接線形的加速度特征曲線,指出加速度特征曲線的波動段,來表征路段的加速度變化幅度。

For the discipline of material , the valuable data , files and graphics should be conserved scientific , safe and valid , and it should be efficiently acquired , shared and repetitive utilized by correlativity 對于材料學學科而言,有價值的資料、文件、圖檔應該進行科學、安全、有效的保存,應該讓相關人員可以方便高效地獲取、共享和重復利用。

Research on wind is the precondition of wind response , then the section plane of static wind , intensity of onflow , psd function and correlativity of dynamic wind are involved in 對風的研究是進行風振響應研究的前提,風的基本特征包括平均風速剖面、湍流強度、脈動風功率譜密度函數、脈動風的空間相關性以及極端風速的概率統計特性。

Finance governance will evolve because the change of environment will reassemble the correlativity of interest and the ability of negotiation and the stakeholder ' s fiance governance is the way of evolution 環境的改變使利益相關度與談判能力重新組合,由此促進財務治理的動態演化,利益相關者財務治理代表了演化的方向。

Cluster analysis using the conception of distance parameter , made the attributes that have the high correlativity become the same sort . so the classification of attributes become complete and correct 聚類分析方法利用距離系數的概念,把相關性較大的屬性參數聚咸一類,使參數有一個正確的全面的分類。

This paper study different personality people favor different incentive methods , which can analyze the correlativity of personality and incentive method , because favor can reflect the influence 本論文通過人格對激勵方法的偏好來解釋人格與激勵方法的相關性,因為偏好是激勵方法對人們影響的表現之一。

4 . superficial discussion on the method of quantificationally evaluating the extent of disturbing of laser to video of ccd , such as area of saturation , chop of gray level , image correlativity 4 .初步探討了對激光干擾ccd成像的嚴重程度進行量化的三種方法? ?飽和面積法、灰度突變元法、相關度法。

In this article , we aim to test the correlativity between the ownership structure and corporation performance taking the open corporations in shenzhen securities exchange as examples 本文是以深圳證券交易所的上市公司為例,對我國上市公司股權結構和經營績效之間關系所作的實證研究。

( 2 ) there is remarkable positive correlativity among customer trust and the following three factors : institutional factors , commercial reception factors and word - of - mouth factors ( 2 )制度環境因素、商務認知因素和輿論影響因素對電子商務客戶信任產生了顯著的積極影響。

An optimization method for reasoning results is presented , such as recursive grey fitting model for single sequence and attribute correlativity model for multi - dimension data 分別在單序列時建立遞進灰擬合模型,在多維數據集時利用屬性相關性,對插值結果進行學習優化。

We measured the correlativity and risk structure of sample stocks in chapter 3 . the risk decentralization effect of multi - investments has also been tested 在對風險性的實證一章(第3章)中,本文對樣本股票間的相關關系、風險結構和多元化投資的風險分散效果進行了測度。

( 4 ) according as the result of correlativity analysis between every strain index and stressing factors , three factors salinity , buffer capacity and ph can represent all of stress acting factors ( 4 )由相關性分析可得,鹽度、 ph值和緩沖量即可代表所有脅迫因素。

It ' s the correlativity of interest and the ability of negotiation to determine the position of the owner of production factor in the finance governance 利益相關者與企業的利益相關度和談判能力決定了生產要素所有者在財務治理中的地位。

The empirical result denotes that the foreign reserve and price index have a positive correlativity and a steady equilibrium relationship in the long run 結果表明,外匯儲備與物價指數之間存在正相關關系,且長期內存在穩定的均衡關系。

Inside a business center district , characteristics of time and traffic and correlativity among all kinds of subsystems decide on their location 在商業中心區內部,各子系統之間由于時間與交通特性、相互關系決定了它們的位置分布。