
correlative adj.有相互關系的,相關的 (with; to)。n....

correlative conjunction

A correlative development theory on revival of northeast china and northeast asian cooperation 東北振興與東北亞合作聯動論

Correlative analysis between trace element and medicinal effects in mole cricket 中藥螻蛄中微量元素與臨床藥效的相關性分析

A correlative study on diopter and corneal refractive power in juvenile myopia 青少年近視眼屈光度與角膜屈光力的相關性研究

Finally , the correlative experiments of the entanglement are simply introduced 最后簡單的介紹了與糾纏相關的實驗情況。

Correlative law consulting 相關法規咨詢

A novel correlative node method for pattern recognition of retinal blood vessels 一種新穎的視網膜血管形態識別相關網點法

Internet users can also acquire correlative service by web techniques 系統還可以用web技術使遠程用戶獲得相關的服務。

General review of correlative research on the companion relation of children in china 國內兒童同伴關系的相關研究綜述

Correlative study of mri features and tumor angiogenesis in supratentorial astrocytomas 征象與腫瘤血管形成的對照研究

Study on correlative problem for diversified economy of henan coal enterprise 河南省煤炭企業多角化經營相關問題研究

Discussion of correlative questions in teaching mechanics of special relativity 狹義相對論力學教學中的相關問題討論

Advance on the nutrition quality and correlative influence factors of rice 稻米營養品質及其相關影響因素的研究進展

Gray correlative analysis on injured experiment by high energy shock wave 高能沖擊波損傷性實驗研究的灰色關聯分析

B . common machine : correlative link 相關鏈結:

Mental health and correlative factors analysis of nurses in operating room 手術室護士心理健康狀況及相關因素分析

The price includes the correlative fees to exporting all the cargos 此價格包含貨物出境手續辦理所需的相關費用。

Correlative study of mri findings and pathological results of adrenal pheochromocytoma 與病理學表現的相關性研究

Above 3 years correlative experience about maintenance team management and tpm 三年維修團隊管理經驗及tpm推行。

At the same time , we made some correlative experiments for discussion 進行了相關實驗,對實驗結果進行了討論。