
correlation n.相互關系,相關(性);對比;交互作用;【數學】對射,...


Correlation of migraine and neurogenic inflammation 偏頭痛與神經源性炎癥的關系

Message identifier , typically used for correlation 消息標識符,通常用于相關性。

Correlation betweenliuhe - lottery and mental disorder 賭博與精神障礙的相關性分析

Prosodic correlation model in text - to - speech synthesis 語音合成中的韻律關聯模型

Note : the value in bracket is correlation coefficient 注:括號內數值為相關系數。

Correlations between mercury and selenium in organisms 生物體內汞與硒的相互作用

We may assume that there is no correlation between the local velocity of a liquid particle at a mathematical point inside the void space and the concentration gradient . 我們可以假定,在空隙空間的一個數學點上液體質點的局部速度和濃度梯度之間無相關性。

However a clear qualitative picture is emerging, and it is to be expected that the next few years will see the appearance of useful quantitative correlations . 但是明確的定性圖式已經出現,可以預料,今后幾年我們將會看到有用的定量關系的問世。

The correlation may be used with reasonable confidence for all gas-liquid systems and as a rough approximation for liquid-liquid systems . 這個相關規律用于所有的氣-液相體系是可信賴的,但對液-液相體系來說只能算是粗略的近似。

Within the accuracy of his calculations the distributions were found to be gaussian, and he determined the appropriate correlation coefficients . 在他的計算精度內,得出這些分布是高斯型的,而且他確定了適當的相關系數。

Figure 16-20 shows the good correlation observed between the magnetic field and the gold values over a muck-covered placer in this area . 圖16-20表明了此地區腐殖土覆蓋下砂積礦床上面的磁場和含金量之間的良好對比關系。

A number of overall correlations have been developed for the prediction of the pressure gradient in the vertical flow of gas-liquid mixtures . 為了預測氣液混合物垂直流動的壓力梯度,已經得出了許多整體相關規律。

On the other hand an object seen in reflected light will surely display some phase correlation between its various scattering points . 反之,在反射光中看到的物體,它的各個散射點之間肯定將呈現某種位相相關性。

Combination of these logs, supported by plotted sample description, are used in establishing precise subsurface stratigraphic correlations . 現在綜合應用這些測井方法,再結合巖樣描述,進行精確的地下地層對比。

For gas fluidized systems, numerous correlations based on experiments in laboratory-sized equipment have been proposed . 對氣體流化系統,已提出為數眾多的根據實驗室規模設備上的實驗所綜合出來的關聯式。

In bacteria, strong correlations exist between the ability to carry out repair replication and resistance to uv-irradiation . 在細菌中進行修復性復制的能力和對紫外線的耐抗性之間存在著顯著的相關性。

There is usually no clear correlation between the magnitude of a shock and the number of killed people or other destruction . 一般來說,在地震震級與死亡人數,其它破壞之間并沒有明顯的相關聯系。

The correlation is considered to be an accurate method for the calculation of pressure drop in the pneumatic transport of solids . 這個相關規律被認為是在固體氣體輸送中一種計算壓降的精確方法。

A serious limitation for all these theoretical results is the lack of specific correlation with experimental results . 所有這些理論結果的嚴重局限性,就在于缺乏與實驗結果的特定相互關系。