
correlate n.互相關聯,相互關系;相關物。vi.和…相關 (wit...


Exploration on ren meridian correlating with brain 任脈與腦相關探析

Study on the chain distribution of regional correlated resources 區域關聯資源成組布局的研究

Poetry correlates inner experience and social reality 詩表示內在經驗興社會現實的相互關系。

Statistics on correlated datetime columns 相關日期時間列上的統計信息

We can often correlate age with frequency of illness 我們經常可以發現年齡與發病率有聯系。

A correlated subquery can also be used in the 中的不同行而發生改變。

The prognosis correlated with the stage and grade of tumor 術后隨訪2個月8年,死亡6例。

Researchers cannot correlate the two sets of figures 研究者們看不出這兩組數字有什麼聯系

The correlates of war project database archives 戰爭相關因素項目數據庫

Application of bp neural network in correlated Bp神經網絡在光學相關器相關峰識別中的應用

Optimizing queries that access correlated datetime columns 優化訪問相關datetime列的查詢

Correlated factors of sudden death in psychotic inpatients 精神病患者猝死的相關因素分析

A study on neural correlates of attentional blink 注意瞬脫神經機制的研究

Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall 農作物的收成與年降雨量有密切關系。

We should correlate theory with practice 我們必須把理論與實踐聯系起來

Bachelor of chemistry of correlated education background 大學化學或相關專業教育背景。

Ruin problem for a correlated aggregate claims model 離散時間模型下的罰金折現期望的解

Correlating a trace with windows performance log data 將跟蹤與windows性能日志數據關聯

These events correlated with the ancient prophecies 這些事件與古代預言有相互關系。