
corrector n.修正者,校正者,校對(員),矯正者,懲治者;【醫學】...


The chapter 4 , after the constitution of the different corrector , compares the simulation results with the pid corrector . the chapter 5 focus in the dsp chips . mainly introduce the organs used in the pfc control system . and it analyzes the function order in the time base 第四章,根據先進控制算法原理,設計控制器,并把在matlabsimulink下的模擬輸出結果進行分析比較,從而直觀的分析先進控制算法校正器與傳統pi調節器的優劣。

The steady - state errors of current closed loop system with pi current regulator in stationary and synchronous frames are compared using complex vectors . also , the corrector of rotor displacement control is studied by the root locus method 應用復合矢量概念,對比了靜止坐標系和同步旋轉坐標系pi電流調節器組成電流閉環系統的穩態誤差,并用根軌跡法對轉子位移控制系統的校正環節進行了研究。

In this paper , we discuss uyghur word structure , division of uyghur word roots and suffixes and the construction method of the uyghur database . we also describe a new method of developing “ uyghur corrector system “ 本文中詳細討論了維文的詞法結構、維文詞根和詞綴的分解方法以及詞法庫的建立等技術問題,闡明了如何用完全嶄新的方法開發“維吾爾語文字校準系統” 。

Some new predictor - corrector methods and three - steps iterative algorithms for solving multivalued general mixed quasi - variational inequalities is presented by using the auxiliary principle and resolvent operator technique , respectively 利用輔助原理和預解算子技巧,提出了解一般混合集值擬變分不等式的預估-校正算法和三步迭代算法。

As for the nonlinear problem , the predictor - corrector algorithm , which possess 2nd precision of numerical results , is presented . the application of adaptive pti method is also given 數值算例表明,精細積分方法有效池避兔了常規方法的數值振蕩現象,具有較高的計算精度,對于非線性熱傳導問題也民有良好的精度。

The result we get is also true for variational inequalities . we use the auxiliary principle technique to suggest a class of predictor - corrector algorithms for solving general variational inequalities 在利用投影方法時,我們采用了wiener - hopf方程的技巧,而且得到的結果對于變分不等式也是成立的。

( design and realization of video processing system including noise reduction and time based corrector } is a project which is consigned to develop by the yincheng electronics co . ltd in changzhou 《時基校正與降噪一體化視頻處理系統的設計與實現》課題是受常州音成電子有限公司委托開發的在研項目。

Taking the yu - edition to correct the edition of yu zhang series , which makes yu zhang series perfect , and purpose of the corrector is to make use of its valuable historical materials 取俞輯本以校《豫章叢書》本,使后者愈益完善,其中珍貴史料得以更好地發掘利用,便是今番點校整理的用意。

Shannon entropy function is used to smoothing it . a non - interior predictor - corrector continuation method is built for a class of mixed complementarity problems 基于非線性互補問題的一個等價不動點格式,第五章分別用shannon熵函數和kullback熵函數光滑化max函數。

A new algorithm , which called “ predictor - corrector ” , has been established based on the stoner - wohlfarth model and the newton down - hill numerical method 然后基于stoner - wohlfarth模型和newton算法設計了一個“預測-調整”數值算法,實現了模型的數值計算。

A sort of spic ? pfc ( power factor corrector ) circuit also gradually become a major concern for research along with the concern of power harmonics pollution 智能功率集成電路中的功率校正電路也隨著人們對電源諧波污染的關注而逐漸成為一個重要的研究對象。

A predictor - corrector method to get the forward solution of a 6 - sps parallel manipulator was presented based on the principle of position tracking 摘要以6 - sps并聯機構為例,基于路徑跟蹤原理,提出一種求解并聯機構位置正解的預估校正法。

In this paper , we discuss the corrector system ' s important technical issues from different aspects 本文從不同的方面討論了文字校準系統的關鍵技術問題。

The predictor - corrector reentry guidance algorithm for reusable launch vehicles was studied 摘要研究了可重復使用運載器的預測校正再入制導方案。

The chip of cs5460a and field - corrector implemented with it for single - phase electrical power meter 芯片及其實現的單相電能表現場校驗儀

Comparisons between reference - trajectory and predictor - corrector entry guidances for rlvs 再入標準軌道制導與軌道預測制導方法比較分析

Time base corrector 時基校正器

Corrector yoke spring 校正器桿簧

Corrector lever stud 日歷校正桿樁