
correctitude n.正確(性);(品行的)端正。


Catching hold of the favorable opportunity of china entering world trade organization , tongzhou zone committee , zone government continue to insist on advancing with time , closely surround the topic of development . with the aim of establishing optimal human inhabitation environment to construct modern city , they change government function , establish service consciousness , correctitude work attitude , improve work efficiency , in good earnest provide excellent environment , good quality service , favorable policy for investors , in the examining sector of project push project service one continuous line and project commission system , time limit system , promises system etc . methods , and make investors reassuring and commit to the deploitation of market , development of product , management of production and the development of enterprise 抓住中國加入世貿組織的有利時機,通州區委、區政府繼續堅持與時俱進,緊緊圍繞發展這一主題,以創建最佳人居環境為目標來建設現代化城市,轉變政府職能、確立服務意識、端正工作態度、提高辦事效率,真心實意地為投資者提供優良的環境、優質的服務、優惠的政策,在項目的審批環節上,推行項目服務一條龍和項目代辦制、時限制、承諾制等辦法,使投資者安心并致力于市場的開拓、產品的開發、生產的管理和企業的發展。